![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Wednesday August 24, 2016 - Today is Important. Mars and Saturn conjoin in Sagittarius which peaks at 7:27 AM but will be effective all day long. Put these two planets together and it means hard work. It means executing your plans. It means taking action on making things real. Saturn is known as the “task-master” of the zodiac, while Mars is motivation, drive, ambition. This aspect really packs an oomph. If you have been slacking off on your responsibilities (Saturn) this aspect may not be very comfortable for you. But if you have been productively working (Mars) towards your goals (Saturn) then you will feel like you are really setting up a proper foundation. The thing that Saturn really teaches you is that if you are good about your responsibilities, they will be good to you. If you do not act responsibly then you suffer. One part of being good about your responsibilities is prioritizing and choosing that which you will be responsible for. If you make bad choices in what is most important to you then you may feel Saturn's wrath even if you feel you have tried to live up to those responsibilities. As a simple example let's say that you love to travel (Sagittarius). You decide that travel is a priority in your life. But if you neglect your work (Saturn), you will not have the finances you need to travel. So in order to travel work becomes your first priority, so you may then do the thing you love which is travel. So now you have two priorities in your life (1) work and (2) travel. Do you need a job in order to travel? No. But most of us would not be comfortable without the finances to travel in what we deem to be comfort, whether that means a tent, a hotel room, staying with family or anything else. To make our example more complicated where do things like romance, friends, family, health, sports, hobbies all fall on this priority list? The Saturn-Mars conjunction will help you see whether your priorities are in line or if you need to simplify them. Saturn does like to get rid of things that are not truly important. The moon and sweet Venus make a trine aspect which perfects at 8:06 AM. This is soft and loving. We want to feel pretty or handsome, and we want to feel connected to other people in our lives. We may also feel artistic under this aspect so if you feel creative embrace the feeling. The moon next meets Jupiter in a trine at 2:06 PM. This is a social aspect that has us wanting to enjoy the company of others … with the possibility of food or drink thrown in! I lunch meeting would be a great use of this energy. At 3:38 PM the moon trines Mercury. Since Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are bunched up in Virgo these three aspects all happen pretty quickly today and with the last one being to Mercury we feel like our hearts and minds are on the same page and it feels great. After this aspect the moon is void-of-course so we have a few hours where we may feel a bit aimless until the moon goes into the next sign. The mood does ingress into Gemini at 7:40 PM changing the tone. We have had a lot of planets in earth signs and with the moon moving into Gemini we get a little more freedom, things are not as heavy. We become more curious about things, and we may feel more talkative. The last quarter moon perfects at 11:41 PM when the sun and moon make a square aspect. This is the waning “half-full” moon, as my husband calls it. There is so tension in this aspect but it is a regular part of life, nothing unusual. We may be at a crossroads, and the time has come to make a decision. Life is full of decisions. It's just the way it is. The recommended gemstone for today is citrine which helps us focus on our path to success. The essential oil to use today is peppermint which will help us feel more directed and purposeful in our lives. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter
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