This Sunday, February 26, we have the second in a series of two eclipses this month. This second eclipse occurs at 8'12'' Pisces and is a new moon solar eclipse. The eclipse is exact at 9:58 AM EST but the energy expands out from that moment to the day, the week, the whole month! There is most certainly pressure this past week. It has been a month of pressure but here we have the release valve! Will the pressure be released safely or will it explode? It's all in how we handle things in our own lives. Let's face it. Some things are out of our control. We can get really, really, really, really upset over these things if we let ourselves. Getting upset over things outside of our control is a great recipe for unhappiness. The astrological configuration with this new moon solar eclipse is a similar recipe for railing against things outside of our control. But the real question is: what remains within our control and what can we do about it? I practice a type of astrology I like to call Intentional Astrology. That means that we, as practitioners, can do something about our circumstances, even if it is only a change in mindset over an issue we are dealing with. There is a great debate in astrology about whether things are fated or whether we have free will and I firmly fall on the free will side of that debate. And I use astrology in order to cultivate choices that align our free will with our goals. Please notice that free will and goals are two totally different things. A goal is a destination you desire to reach in life … a new car, a new job, a certain weight, publication of a book, etc. Free will involves the choices you make in order to reach a certain goal. If a new car is a goal for you then what choices are you making that bring you closer, or further, from a new car. Just because we have free will doesn't mean we use it wisely. If I get some surprise money I could put is away toward my new car or I could go blow it on something completely unrelated to my new car goal. Both are free will choices, bot only one choice engages the Intention of having a new car. Working with Intentional Astrology we look at where our choices are and then we try to be wise about the path we choose. This eclipse has the sun, moon and Neptune conjunct in the sign of Pisces, with Mercury, Pallas and Chiron all joining the party. This is a lot going on in Pisces, and the new moon solar eclipse is activating this area with a burst of energy. People are being asked to shine a light on their delusions, their patterns of behavior, their connection to spirit, their addiction among other things. The new moon solar eclipse happens in hard aspect to the ongoing Jupiter-Uranus opposition which has Mars applying to Uranus with less than a one degree orb. This is a lot of heat … things are reaching a boil! Jupiter represents our understanding and Uranus represents change. Mars is a trigger that is pushing us to change (Uranus) even if it conflicts (opposes) our understanding (Jupiter). Another key word for Uranus is willfulness, and for Jupiter it is law, so we also have a willful opposition to the law being activated by Mars and something that rubs up against our universal understanding (Pisces solar eclipse). One of the negative archetypes of Pisces is The Victim. This is being activated by this eclipse and we have a choice. Will I continue to be a victim or will I do something about it? Am I a victim of my relationship? Of my government? Of my own negative thoughts? Where is the victimization and what can you DO about it? The blessing here is we want to break free. We don't want to be victimized any longer. We are tired of it and we are ready to rise up! The opposite of being a victim is truly engaging your own free will. People will experience break downs and break ups. The holy grail is the break through where we have the “aha moment” which leads us into a paradigm shift. Although this eclipse is happening in a collective sign of Pisces, the way we experience the collective is individually. How does one simultaneously “be one with the universe” and just be oneself? This is part of the ongoing tension being activated right now. Where do I fall in all of this? Where do I stake my claim? Rebellion is pretty high on the list of likely activities and I can't say I don't get it but I ask that we all take a look at our intentions, our goals, and ask ourselves how we can use this moment for our own betterment and for the highest and best good for everyone, everywhere? That is where intention comes in. That is where determining what is within our control and doing something about what is in our own power comes into play. How can I make the world a better place, right here, right now? The Sabian Symbol for the degree of the eclipse is “A Jockey Spurs His Horse, Intent on Outdistancing His Rivals”. This is a competitive symbol but it also involves not only the jockey but the horse, who is a part of nature. This brings up questions like:
With this eclipse I pray for peace and intend that we each become illuminated in the way that best suits our needs at this moment. When the two luminaries (sun and moon) share the same space (new moon solar eclipse) we have the energy available for amazing enlightenment. Let it be so.
Daily Astro Update PLUS the Weekend! Friday, Saturday Sunday February 17-19, 2017 It is a relatively quiet weekend but we do have a few things going on so let's talk about them! Today, Friday, the Scorpio moon goes void-of-course at 2:38 PM EST which means if you have some things to accomplish today it is best to do them early as you will feel like playing hooky once the moon is void-of-course. If you do have to “work” try to stick to finishing up old tasks and doing routine tasks like clearing out email, cleaning off your desk, doing laundry, etc. Save the new projects for another time! On Saturday morning at 6:23 AM EST the sun enters Pisces. Happy Pisces Season! Pisces is my favorite sign, I just love the combination of going with the flow along with a larger, more spiritual perspective. Signs are stereotypes, and as a sun sign they make up only a fraction of a person's personality so not all people with sun in Pisces may personify the sign in all ways but somewhere there is a part of them that does relate to the energy vibration. Since Pisces is a mutable sign it means that it is time to adapt from winter to spring (or summer to fall in the southern hemisphere), and get ready for the changes that are coming. Mutable means changeable and it is healthy to consider where in your own life you can make positive changes that help you adapt to an ever changing world in which we live. The moon enters Sagittarius at 1:52 PM EST on Saturday and we have the last quarter moon on Saturday as well. Moon in Sagittarius likes to explore freedom so it's a good day to get out and investigate what's going on in your neighborhood. The last quarter moon represents some tension in the air but makes it a good time for letting go of that which we no longer need in our lives, whether that means getting rid of physical stuff, emotional stuff or psychological stuff. Sunday is a quiet day with only lunar aspects but don't forget we are in the middle of eclipse season so there is still a lot of tension and change in the air even if the daily astrology is mild. Remember the monthly astrology is tumultuous! Crystal: Amazonite for calming and soothing energy. Essential Oil: Peppermint to give us energy as needed! Sun in Aquarius moves into Pisces Feb 18 2017 6:32 AM EST Moon in Scorpio (v/c Feb 17 2017 2:38 PM EST) moves into Sagittarius Feb 18 2017 1:52 PM EST Mercury in Aquarius Venus in Aries Mars in Aries Jupiter RX in Libra Saturn in Sagittarius Uranus in Aries Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn Daily Astro Update Thursday February 16, 2017 The last couple of mornings when I get up and go check on my two year old daughter she is waiting for me while singing Jingle Bells. She wants me to sing the whole song with her before she gets out of bed starting with “Dashing through the snow”. And I do it. Who can say no to that? It's adorable, and the energy today is similarly playful. Mercury in Aquarius is sextile Mars in Aries giving us a “joie de vivre” that is infectious. Can't we always have this energy? Do I want a cup of coffee before singing Christmas carols on a February morning? Of course, but we can't always get what we want and there is a sweetness about starting the day off a little different than usual. The energy today is nice in that it was be both mental energy as well as physical energy. We can work with our bodies or our minds and feel motivated either way. Ideally we can do both! The only other thing we have today is the ingress of the moon into Scorpio which is more a shift in mood than anything more substantial. The Scorpio moon looks within so we turn more internal. If we share it is a private sharing instead of a more public display. Using this time when the moon is in Scorpio to explore our deeper feelings is a good way to handle the energy. But remember, since this is a mood it does not last forever. Feelings change, even deep ones. I am still running the contest for free readings. Winners will be chosen on Friday! If you are interested in entering please write either in the blog comments or on my Facebook page that you are interested in entering the contest. And good luck! Crystal of the Day: Sodalite has powerful positive effects on thoughts and communication which is already highlighted by the Mercury-Mars sextile today. Essential Oil of the Day: German Chamomile has a wonderfully soothing energy that aids us in sharing with others. Sun in Aquarius Moon in Scorpio (1:41 AM) Mercury in Aquarius Venus in Aries Mars in Aries Jupiter RX in Libra Saturn in Sagittarius Uranus in Aries Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn Daily Astro Update Wednesday February 15, 2017 Sun in Aquarius Moon in Libra Mercury in Aquarius Venus in Aries Mars in Aries Jupiter RX in Libra Saturn in Sagittarius Uranus in Aries Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn Happy Birthday to me! One of the really cool things you can do with astrology is generate a chart known as a Solar Return. This could be called your Birthday Chart! It is a snapshot of the sky at the moment the sun returns to the exact spot it was at the moment of your birth, hence the name Solar Return. Solar Returns are used as a forecasting tool to take a look at the year head. What's in store this year? The Solar Return will help us see what the main themes you are dealing with this year will be! In honor of my own Solar Return I am giving away 3 short readings. These can be your choice of a natal chart reading, a solar return reading, or a current transit reading. The readings will be about a half hour in length and can be done by skype, phone or email, your choice. To be entered in the contest please put a comment in either my blog or on my Facebook post containing this contest. Good luck! I am looking forward to this! I will choose the winners at random once I have the entries. Winners to be announced on Friday, February 17! As far is the astrology for today … there is not a lot that is remarkable in the daily chart … which is not the same case as in my solar return chart, as we look at daily energy different than in a solar return chart. Today is actually a good day for star gazing. We have Venus and Mars in the western sky after sunset. Venus is by far the brightest thing in the sky right now, at least until the moon rises which is after Venus sets. Mars is must less bright but recognizable from it's red color and it's current proximity to Venus. Find Venus and the look a little up and to the left to find Mars. The other thing to see tonight is much later, in the early morning hours before sunrise. At this time we can see the moon conjunct Jupiter, with the fixed star Spica nearby. If you astrology sometimes it is nice to change things up and look at the actual planets, moon and stars in the sky instead of just consider them conceptually. This aids up in getting back to our roots, so to speak. And the preponderance of highly visible phenomena can be interpreted to mean that this is a very strong time we are living in, the time being now. Crystal of the Day: Amethyst,the February gemstone and stone of healing, wisdom and patience. Essential Oil of the Day: Rose Otto for grace and femininity Tuesday, February 14 Happy Valentine's Day! Sun in Aquarius Moon in Libra Mercury in Aquarius Venus in Aries Mars in Aries Jupiter RX in Libra Saturn in Sagittarius Uranus in Aries Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn It is a relatively calm day with a lovely sun sextile Saturn to help encourage emotional stability. I know that some people get rather sensitive around Valentine's Day but it is day for expressing our appreciation to those around us, and what can be better than showing appreciation and love for the people in our lives? The ancient Greeks had it right with having many words for different kinds of love: Eros – sexual passion Pragma – long term mature love Agape – love for everyone Philia – deep friendship Ludus – young love Philautia – love for self Storge – love between parents and children Let's celebrate all types of love instead of focusing purely on romantic love. Happy Valentine's Day! Crystal of the Day: Rose quartz for opening the heart chakra and allowing love to flow in your heart Essential Oil of the Day: Grapefruit for keeping things light-hearted Friday, February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo – Roar! Sun in Aquarius Moon in Leo (Eclipse exact at 7:33 PM EST) Mercury in Aquarius Venus in Aries Mars in Aries Jupiter RX in Libra Saturn in Sagittarius Uranus in Aries Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn Power. Royalty. Charisma. Charm. These are some of the keywords for Leo. A lunar eclipse in this side brings all of this out. One of the things about Leo is that they need other people to recognize them. They need an audience, so to speak. Some people might look at this as a weakness but I think of it as a strength. We all need other people, on some level, but Leo needs other people to reflect the sense of appreciation back to them. I am not saying that Leos need to be the center of attention. I am saying that Leos, like all of us, need to feel loved. Leo is an inter-personal sign. It is about our relationships with other people. How are the relationships in your life? Are you feeling the love? Are you sending the love? There is a child-like quality to Leo and we can embrace our inner child under this eclipse. Leo is also tied to creativity and who is more creative than children? They express themselves uniquely, without self-criticism or doubt. Criticism is a learned trait, but the creativity is our natural state. There are many ways to be creative, even if you are not “artistic”, and we have the ability to get in touch with our own unique brand of creativity at this time. The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the eclipse is “In A Circus The Bareback Rider Displays Her Dangerous Skill”. Wow, evocative! We all have skills. They can be raw and untamed or we can work on developing them. What skills are you developing in your life right now? What skills are you displaying for others? Are you pushing yourself to live on the edge? Are you challenging yourself ? Do you feel truly alive? These are all questions to ask yourself under this eclipse. If the eclipse falls on a point or planet in your natal chart you will feel it more strongly, more personally, than others, but we will all feel it on some level. The eclipse creates a configuration called a Mystic Rectangle with Jupiter and Uranus (see my blog post from a couple days ago for more details on this) so if either of those planets are touching points in your natal chart you will feel this strongly as well. I will say that in my family all three of us are being strongly affected by this eclipse and so I expect some significant changes to unfold. The way eclipses work is that sometimes the changes are immediate, and other times the changes are gradual, but we can certainly tie them to this eclipse. For myself all of this ties in with my Uranus opposition, one of the “mid-life crisis” transits. Am I in crisis? No, not really, but then again I am quite Uranian already and this transit can help shift me more toward Who I Really Am and Who I Really Want To Be. Issues of health are paramount in this chart for me, so it is up to me to invest in health so that I may pursue my dreams. Some things health related are in my control and some are not, so it is time I focus on that which is within my control, such as regular routines that support my health and well being (the eclipse falls on my 6th house/12th house axis). It will show up in your chart differently, but this is my example. If you would like to look at how this affects your chart schedule a reading with me today! Crystal of the Day: Fire Agate for courage and strength under the fiery Leo moon. Essential Oil of the Day: Narcissus for it's empowering quality. |
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