![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday, March 31, 2016 - The last day of March is upon us! Today should be an interesting mix of energies with lots of depth and passion in the evening. The moon is in Capricorn all day and it has us busy and not afraid to do the work. So expect today to bring with it a desire to get things accomplished – then get out there and do the work! The first aspect for today is when the moon in Capricorn comes to a sextile with Neptune in Pisces at 10 AM. This has us feeling intuitive about our bodies. The moon is in Capricorn in my own natal chart. Whenever I see transiting moon in Capricorn I like to tell people to pay attention to their physical bodies, it does speak to us. With the influence of the Neptune sextile we might get some intuitive hits on things we should be more aware of. Such as are we taking care of our bodies or do we need to adjust? If you need to adjust, this aspect might not be the biggest motivation for us to do so. It will though, be an inspiration for us to understand where we need to make some changes. The next aspect is when moon in Capricorn makes a square to the sun in Aries at 11:17 AM. This asks us to have patience with ourselves, and others of the opposite sex. Squares cause a vibration of energy and it can be utilized for the good. On the positive side of this wave we have a desire to be persistent and on the other side of this vibration we want to hurry and rush. Take your time, good things come to those that think things through and make time to do it right. Today's big news is when Mercury in Aries makes a conjunction with Uranus, also of course in Aries. This peaks at 4:49 PM but we will feel it all of today and part of tomorrow too. This aspect has me visualizing a telephone wire that is sparking. Sure telephone wires don't spark, but if they did – it would be the perfect visual of this aspect. Mercury is the planet that governs over Gemini and Virgo the two very “thinking” signs and Uranus governs over Aquarius, the other “thinking” sign. Putting these planets in Aries makes them hot and vibrant! Inspiration to go one's own way. Also thinking and coming up with original ideas or new perceptions about your life is a way to utilize this energy. Think tanks, and inspirational messages are bound to come to those ready for them today! Next the moon comes to a trine with Jupiter in Virgo at 6:57 PM. This has us feeling optimistic, maybe about the inspirational things that the above aspect brings to the table. Optimism is great, just remember to keep yourself grounded and the Capricorn/Virgo energy of these two planets will likely be that grounding force for this optimism. The last aspect for today is the one day of the month that we get to purge all that we have stuffed down inside of. The moon and Pluto conjunct each other at 10:37 PM in Capricorn. Capricon, to me is the sign that stews on things a bit more than maybe they should. I get it, we all want to remember the past, but sometimes letting go of the past is the best thing we can do to move into the future. The moon comes along each month connecting with Pluto because it is in Capricorn and we have a sort of purging of those things we have buried. It is the Universes way to say to you... Ok are you ready to let this stuff go yet? Search your bucket of things you have stuffed down, or even if they come up voluntarily today, let them and ask yourself. Is it time? Time to release? Do what you need to, cry, stammer, cancel and close those things that live inside of you deeply. Let them out and let them go. I promise you will feel better once you get over the hump of emotions that are likely tied to them. Calcite is the gemstone suggestion for today. Calcite helps to amplify energy and turn negative energy into positive. Giving you a new found feeling of positivity. Valerian, although to me not the most loveliest of scents, is the suggested essential oil for today. I personally like valerian in capsules I ingest. It is calming, very earthy (like today is) and helps sedate us, just enough to not be electrified! The reason I am choosing Valerian for today is the Mercury-Uranus in Aries energy, reminding us to have that balance and keep calm! All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter
![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Wednesday March 30, 2016 We begin the day with the void-of-course moon in Sagittarius, giving us a lazy and aimless feeling this morning. Try to get your routine tasks done and tie up any loose ends. The first aspect today is a square from Mercury to Pluto which is exact at 10:53 AM. This is a deep thoughts and problem solving at it's best. At worst it is anxiety and negative thinking so today is a day to use those positive affirmations with a vengeance! This is something that a lot of people struggle with, combating negative thoughts, and it takes practice and perseverance and vigilance to overcome this tendency, Use today's energy as a challenge to stand up and fight this tendency if it is something you struggle with personally, or to renew your stand against negative thinking if this is a battle you have already won. The moon enters Capricorn PM 1:45 PM which can be serious and grounding. The moon in Capricorn would rather work that deal with emotional issues but it is good for working on goals and objectives. A good stone to work with today is black tourmaline which helps to eliminate negative energies. An essential oil to try today is is geranium which is comforting in difficult times. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - The moon is a busy lady today! Expect today to have several main facets to it. Enjoy a mostly upbeat day today. The moon in Sagittarius makes a trine to Mercury in Aries at 8:56 AM. This has us feeling quite convincing to others, but we might not want to push ourselves. Inspiration can be sought out if we practice living in the moment. The moon then comes to a square with Jupiter in Virgo at 9:55 AM. This can have us feeling a little emotionally excessive or not very practical. If you are noticing an uneasiness in this morning with your moods, just practice patience and this too shall pass. This is also the day in the month where the moon comes to a conjunction with Saturn, this happens at 11:18 AM. This is the time to do things that make you feel grounded and centered. For a lot of us that can be going over our finances or even getting out in the garden and touching the earth. Saturn wants us to bring reality to the forefront of our lives. This reminds us to make sure that we are living the life we really want to live. Make sure you are, or make plans to get on track with doing this - today. Notice every month when moon and Saturn conjunct, you can make it a little ritual for yourself to inspect the structure of your life. Is it working right? Do you need to adjust anything? For the next good bit of time, this will be when the moon transits into the sign of Sagittarius because Saturn is in Sagittarius for quite some time. So pay attention to this bit of advise and make astrology work for you! The moon the comes to a trine with Uranus in Aries at 6:02 PM. This is a nice energy that has us feeling quite original and excitable. If you have something you are working on that is inspiring to you, this is a great time to work on it! The moon the comes to an square to Venus in Pisces at 9:55 PM. This aspect has us feeling like having a good time and enjoying ourselves with others that we care about. You might want to get out early and home early since this is the last aspect of the Sagittarius moon. Then lady luna goes into her void-of-course phase. While the moon is void-of-course its a good time to curl up with a good book for the evening. Or better yet why not curl up with your other half, cup of tea and a zen kitty if you have one! Enjoy the night and rest should be pleasing because the moon stays void-of-course until tomorrow afternoon. The last aspect for today is when Mercury in Aries is trine to Saturn in Sagittarius, at 11:02 PM. This aspect has thinking about making realistic goals and setting ideas for the suture for yourself. This aspect is felt most of the day and some of tomorrow also, so you might want to organize yourself a little and start planning or structuring yourself a little. The essential oil for today is ylang-ylang. It will help you feel invigorated and inspired while working on some of the planetary energies for the day! The gemstone suggestion for today is amber, which helps connect you with your true divine spirits desires. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Monday March 28, 2016 The lovely moon enters adventurous Sagittarius at 2:46 AM. This is lighter feeling than we have had the past couple of days with the moon in Scorpio. We want to reach for the stars, and explore beyond the horizon when the moon is in Sagittarius. The first aspect today has the ruler of our moods, the moon, conjunct feisty Mars. This aspect peaks at 4:12 PM. Basically when the moon and Mars touch our emotions are given extra energy. It is time to act on our feelings. Take action, and stop sitting around! Sometimes when we do not address our feelings we start getting angry or agitated, so if you feel that way it is time to take stock about what you are really feeling and take action to remedy the situation! The sun and moon make a trine aspect which peaks at 8:11 PM. This is the waning trine of the lunar cycle, the moon is fading in the sky but is still more than half full. This aspect is harmonious and gives us a feeling that things are flowing and moving in a good direction. Our final aspect of the day is a square from the moon to foggy Neptune. Neptune is the great confuser of the zodiac, and when the moon is square we can feel a bit confused, or lost, or uncertain, or wondering if you are on the right track. On the bright side this aspect also puts us in touch with our dreams and our inspiration so let this raise you up and if there is something you don't know … well, life is meant to be mysterious and we are not supposed to understand everything! Embrace the Great Mystery! A great stone to work with today is obsidian which helps to remove negativity and also has protective qualities. An essential oil to try today is tangerine which is bright, cheery and uplifting. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Friday, March 25, 2016 - There are a couple bigger things happening in the sky today, this week has been chock full of astrological happenings! Saturn makes his yearly turn for his retrograde motion this morning. Do not fret though, keep reading and you will understand what to do and how to best handle it! Saturn goes retrograde at 6:01 AM this morning. He is not the trickster that Mercury is, and I know we all know about Mercury Retrograde! Saturn is different though, not only is his retrograde phase once a year, he is retrograde for months. This particular cycle of retrograde lasts until August. When Mercury retrogrades he does it in smaller 3 week cycles and you hear a lot about it because he rules over our nervous system, computers, clear thinking and our minds. Saturn on the other hand is the teacher, lessons, our structure, boundaries and reminds me of the quiet but influential boss in a company. Saturn retrograde need not be feared (or any other retrograde for that matter) if you know how to deal with him properly. In a way Saturn really is the boss of our lives, and if he isn't then you might notice a bit of a struggle within yourself as he transitions in this cycle of retrograde. You can decipher where that struggle might be by seeing what house Saturn is transiting in your chart. This is a good reason for you to get an astrological consultation with one of us, to help you through this period of time. What Saturn does during this time is give the opportunity for going back over our long term commitments and responsibilities that we have taken on. This really needs to be looked at before we continue. We get the opportunity to reorganize and renegotiate the commitments we are already in and seem to cause us frustrations. Saturn retrograde gives us an opportunity to see those commitments that are not really right for us and finally say “no” to them. Saturn also gives us a chance to solidify the commitments and responsibilities that we have undertaken in the past. Saturn retrograde is an excellent time to begin eating healthier or taking some inventory of what is working for you - what isn't. Then taking some appropriate action in those results. So prepare yourself for this coming turning of Saturn by and what needs some adjustment in your life. Just remember we are all a beautiful work in progress, so work on your masterpiece – YOU! The next aspect for today is when Venus in Pisces comes to an opposition with Jupiter in Virgo at 7:58 AM. This is a really good energy for us to remember to be practical in dealing with the things and or people that we love. Try not to put those people up on the pedestal and remember that we are all just humans, even the ones that are truly important to us. This aspect has been hitting us since yesterday and will continue throughout the whole day today. Venus in Pisces then comes to a square with Saturn in Sagittarius at 12:48 PM today. Venus governs over our attraction to love and Saturn is the wise old man of the planets. When these two connect in a square pattern we feel a surge of energy towards our relationships and want to bring an element of truth to them. Since Saturn is recently retrograde, these are likely already established relationships. Finally! Our moon comes out of his void-of-course phase at 2 PM and ingresses into the sign of Scorpio. Well I said finally, but who loves the Scorpio moon? Just sort of teasing there, I actually love all the energies we are handed, the trick is just how to utilize them the best! Scorpio moon is intense, direct and passionate. The thing with Scorpio moon is that not only do we feel the intense joy and passion, we also feel the betrayal and jealousy emotions as well! Some good advise for this transiting Scorpio moon is to understand that these passionate energies are here and that its really only a space in time that it is in and learn to work with them instead of pushing against the grain. The gemstone suggested for today is Tigers Eye, it will help bring balance and stability to your life and keep you grounded during the Saturn station. The essential oil suggestion for today is Cypress. This oil helps us to balance and regain our strength and power, especially for those of us going through a difficult time. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday March 24, 2016 The moon is in Libra today and we may still be feeling a little bit of a lunar hangover after yesterday's lunar eclipse! Libra is about balance and harmony, and in terms of relationships it is about how can I be in a relationship while also being an individual. Libra needs both freedom and relationship! The first aspect today is a sextile from the moon to Saturn which peaks at 10:33 AM. This can be a steadying influence that allows us to feel more emotionally stable. This can certainly help after the overwhelming emotions that accompanied the eclipse yesterday. The moon next makes a square to Pluto which is exact at 12:26 PM. Maybe we aren't completely done with emotional upheaval but with this at least it is a short term influence that allows us to confront and process and feelings we have have been avoiding. Best thing to do is to stop repressing emotions! If you have done so in the past allow those emotions to come out and be processed in a healthy way. There is an opposition from the moon to Uranus at 4:55 PM which is like a jolt of lightning. We are pushed out of our comfort zone and it is not, obviously, comfortable. This is a surprise, something unexpected, that we are confronted with. With the opposition it usually involves another person. After this aspect the moon is void-of-course which makes us feel all tingly like after the storm has passes we can still feel the residual energy in the air but we aren't quite sure how to harness any of that energy. The final aspect of the day is the strongest. Mercury makes a trine to Mars which peaks at PM but should be active all day long. Say much? Mercury Mars is about energetic communication. Here we have Mercury flying through Aries an incredibly fast pace zapping Mars in Sagittarius. There is not a lot of tact in this communication but it is direct and to the point! So if you have something to say go for it! A great stone to use today is smoky quartz which helps to stabilize us after the overwhelming energy form yesterday's eclipse. An essential oil I would recommend for today is peppermint which is refreshing and soothing at the same time. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - Welcome to the long awaited day of the lunar eclipse! Not only it is an eclipse today there are some powerful aspects as well. This is a great time to purge and heal so if it feels a little rough, just know this is the process and allow yourself to seek out that which you are looking for - allowing the astrology to work with you! The first thing is the moon's ingress into the sign of Libra early this morning. The moon was void-of-course since Monday night at 11:55 PM. So all of yesterday it was void-of-course. This may have had some of us feeling a sort of lag in our energy. Today that will shift around so I hope you got in some chill time! Libra moon also comes to be full and she has an eclipse today so highlighted today and over the next 6 months are relationships. Think of the relationships you are in and you have cultivated in your life. Are you in ones that enrich your self worth and your journey on your path in life? If not, this is a perfect day and over the next 6 months take to take some inventory them. Then adjust as needed. Remember when you let go of those people that are not working in your life, you leave room for new ones that do. Jupiter in Virgo comes to a square with Saturn in Sagittarius at 6:15 AM. This transit is a longer one and more of a time of transformation than an event that happens. Saturn brings reality to carefree Jupiter. That reality may not feel grounded for some of us and this could be a difficult transit to go through because of it. When Saturn and Jupiter make this square we may feel a little depressed or ill fortuned. We have been feeling this particular aspect for about a month now, this is the first culmination of it. Since this aspect is with two slow moving planets, and Jupiter goes direct soon, there is another exact aspect between these two before the energy actually goes away. This exact aspect is May 26th but since these two never go out of orb between now and May 26th - the energy is never quite gone. The aspect is also part of a very powerful mutable grand square in June and is completely gone by the end of summer. The main thing for you to focus yourself on is creating stability in the areas of your life that these two planets connect with in your own chart. The next aspect that comes to pass today is when the moon and Mercury in Aries come to an opposition at 7:11 AM. This means that Mercury is right in the mix of the lunar eclipse. So the lunar eclipse is just colored on the Libra/Aries axis and has us drawing our attention to relationships and personal power. Mercury brings in the fact that we also need to bring about communication within the realms of our relationships too. Next is our peak of the lunar eclipse which takes place at 8:01 AM today. This is when the moon is exactly full and opposite the sun in the sky. The lunar eclipse happens at 3 degrees Libra and the sun is at 3 degrees Aries. This Libra/Aries axis is a tug-of-war between our own personal power with the sun at Aries and then our connection with others with the moon in Libra. We feel this power very strongly now and we want to make harmony within and with others. This is not just a single one time event either, but rather a process we can work on for the next 6 months. Heal the relationships that need healing and let go of the ones that do not work so we can embrace those that do. Eclipses sort of blot out the luminary that they are eclipsing, this time it is the moon. Therefore it is as if we are given the chance to bot out some of the things in our subconscious and open our light in another direction. I refer to it as a sort of blotting out of the energies because the moon is cast a shadow upon and its as if in a metaphorical sense our emotions are given a reset button. Hey, who doesn't love a reset? Right?! Give this eclipse a chance to work for you in a harmonious manner in your life. The moon the comes to a sextile to Mars at 12:33 PM. This has us feeling excited and maybe a little bit of nervous energy. This is a good aspect to go out and spend some energy in a way that makes you sweat! Go and enjoy warming up your body and get it moving and shaking at this time! The last aspect that comes to a culmination on today is when the sun makes a conjunction with Mercury, this happens at 4:11 PM. This has the sun bringing some light to Mercury and giving us a chance to shine our light on our words. This is a great aspect to pay attention to details and the little things in life. The gemstone for today is moonstone to help balance the energies of the lunar eclipse. The essential oil for today is clary sage, giving us an opportunity to connect with the energies of the moon even further. This is also helpful at giving us a chance to work with lucid dreams in our lives. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday March 10, 2016 - The moon is in feisty Aries today. We feel a sense of adventure and independence under the Aries moon so do your own thing today! Our first aspect is a trine from the moon to Saturn which peaks at 4:36 PM. With this aspect we feel like we can accomplish what we set out to do. It helps us feel solid and grounded and like we can achieve our ambitions. So you can get it done today, whatever it is you are working on! The moon makes a square aspect to Pluto which is exact at 6:02 PM. This is the feeling of being confronted by our Jungian shadow, the darkness within. Like Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader in the cave only to realize it is himself behind the mask … that is the feeling this aspect brings. But confronting our shadow leads to growth, even if it is hard or scary to do so. The moon conjoins Uranus at 8:43 PM which is like an electric shock! Wake up! Dance! Move! We may have trouble sleeping after this aspect occurs because we feel a little wired but the best thing to do is find something rhythmic and active to do to channel this energy: dance, go for a walk, play an instrument, whatever has you moving and flowing! A great stone to work with today is strawberry quartz which helps us assimilate the energy we come into contact with at a higher plane. Rise up! And essential oil to use today is sweet orange which assists us in feeling more confident and appreciate who it is we really are. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Tuesday March 8, 2016 - Oh my oh my eclipse season is back! We usually have “eclipse season” as I like to call it twice a year. This year we have our first set of eclipses in March and then we have another set of them in August and September. But today starts it's off with the new moon in Pisces. More on that later, but for now the rest of the aspects! The sun in Pisces opposes Jupiter in Virgo at 5:57 AM. Even though this is exact early in the morning it is something we will feel all day long. Call it generosity of spirit, or being confronted with excess, or perhaps optimistic pursuit. However it shows up in your life it is big and it is excessive! Often with oppositions these aspects show up as someone else in our life whom we are confronted with. Like maybe we meet someone who loves to gamble and we and inspired by them and maybe even some of their luck runs off on us. Or maybe we meet someone who is a philanthropist and we are inspired to likewise give. Or maybe we meet a spiritual seeker with whom we resonate and decide to seek spirit on our own as well. The moon conjoins Neptune which peaks at 6:11 AM. This is spiritual moment, and sometimes, when we are in tune with spiritual things we tend to lose sight of reality. So the trick under an aspect like this is to regain your connection to spiritual things while maintaining some awareness of reality. The moon makes a square aspect to Saturn which is exact at 4:29 PM. Under this aspect we feel some pressure. We can feel frustrated, or challenged, or just plain overwhelmed. But what is life without challenges? At 5:55 PM the moon makes a sextile to Pluto which means we are in touch with a deeper sense of emotional support. This is a nice follow up to the last aspect because after the challenge we feel the relief. The moon opposes Jupiter at 7:47 PM which feels like we are being confronted with too much of something. Too much food. Too much drink. Too much emotion. Too much! The big deal of the day is a solar eclipse in Pisces which is exact at 8:54 PM. The solar eclipse occurs when the new moon either partially or completely blocks the sun due to the alignment of the earth, moon and sun. In this case the moon is between the earth and sun. New moons are times of power and solar eclipses are times of incredible power. If you look to see what area in your own chart this eclipse is occurring you can see where you personally will be most affected. The eclipse is at 19 degrees Pisces which has the Sabian Symbol of “A Master Instructing His Disciple”. When you think of disciples the most common image is probably of the twelve disciples and their spiritual master, Jesus Christ. But whether you see this as a Christian or you see it in some other way this idea of passing on spiritual enlightenment from master to student is a very important symbol. So the questions to ask are things like What are you teaching? What are you learning? What type of teachings are you involved in passing on through the generations? What is worthy of being passed on? Our values and our philosophy in life are more important that perhaps we always realize and this eclipse will help us to solidify our beliefs, perhaps through a moment of awakening. After the eclipse the moon is void-of-course until tomorrow at 2:40 PM so you can look at this as a time to re-calibrate after this energy overload. A good stone to work with today is amethyst which helps us attune to our personal spiritual wisdom. An essential oil I would recommend today is juniper which helps us resonate with our inner visionary. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Monday, March 7, 2016 - The last of the lingering Aquarius moon makes a conjunction with Venus in the early morning hours of 3:46 AM. This has us feeling beautiful and often in some form of emotional harmony. The moon and Venus both govern over our feelings and when they are conjunct in the sky like they are this morning, it is as if they work together as one planet and bring comfortable, harmonious, creative and often artistic energy to the table. These two planets conjunct one another every month so this is not an unusual occurrence. Often on the day they are conjunct I notice people simply being nice to one another. After this nice aspect of moon-Venus the moon slips into her void-of-course phase until she ingresses into the sign of Pisces at 2:08 PM. So we have a little over 9 hours of the void-of-course moon. So today may not be the revving Monday morning that our bosses would like it to be, but it should be calm and tranquil. Enjoy it, and don't push the envelope, as being busy tense & hectic energies come around too! The moon ingresses Pisces at 2:08 PM, where she is pretty comfortable! Pisces and the moon are both water elements and the moon feel nice under Pisces spell. The one caution about Pisces moon is not to overdo any sort of escapism, because that can sometimes be a downfall to this moon. If you do want to escape, then do it into something healthy like art or creativity instead of something destructive like alcohol or drugs. Speaking of tension the moon in Pisces comes to an exact square to Mars in Sagittarius at 3:11 PM. This can have us being a bit impulsive and a little hot under the collar emotionally. If you notice some stressful feelings pop up, just know this too shall pass and before you know it. As quick as it began, it will begin to cool off again. The last aspect for today is when the moon comes to a conjunction with Mercury in Pisces at 9:29 PM. Again when two planets are conjunct in the sky they sort of work like one planet and both vibrate to the energy of the sign they are in. Pisces has the moon and Mercury feeling a little temperamental and even possibly spacy. This can be a good energy for creativity, and thinking of things that are not so grounded. Writing from the heart is a great way to express this energy, so grab your pen and a journal and get started! A gemstone suggested for today is sodalite, it will help get the creative juices of the mind flowing. It will also bring about a calm and peaceful feeling while the moon makes her shift from Aquarius into Pisces. The suggest essential oil for today is geranium, which will help open the creative energies and bring some new ideas to the table. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter |
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