The new moon in Scorpio is exact here on mountain time tomorrow, Nov. 18, at 4:42 AM. I just love new moons, even new moons in Scorpio! We are always given the opportunity for a new beginning, if only we embrace that opportunity.
The Sabian Symbol for this new moon: "American Indians Making Camp After Moving Into A New Territory" I appreciate this metaphor. In life we journey into new territory often, and this symbol reminds us that it is still important to go through the motions of setting our lives up in this new place so that we may be successful and live harmoniously. Sometimes we are forced into new territory against our will, kicking and screaming, and yet once we arrive we still have the capacity to set ourselves up to thrive in this new place, if only we have the courage and structure to do so. What new territory are you entering in your life right now? What tools and equipment do you have in order to set yourself up for success here? Even if this isn't exactly the place you want to be? Happy New Moon in Scorpio! Photo by Takemaru Hirai on Unsplash
It may sound hard to believe at first but I am a strong proponent for the fact that when you align yourself with your inner wisdom you easily overcome the symptoms of anxiety and depression, even if these things have plagues you for years.
The sad truth is that our culture teaches us to discount our own intuition. It teaches us to rely on what other people think we should do. We are usually not taught to be individualistic and self-reliant thinkers, especially when it comes to how we live our own lives. In my experience, and in the experience of my clients, as we become more attuned with our own inner guidance we also become more emotionally healthy. We do not need to deal with feeling anxious and depressed because we know, we know deep in our guts, that we are on the correct path. Western medicine and culture unfortunately isn't as supportive of the spiritual path of self-awareness and self-guidance as I wish but it is one of my objectives to help overcome this bias. We can trust our inner hearts and our inner wisdom, if we learn how to do those things properly. The problem is that many people do not know how to do this for themselves. Many people do not know how to listen to their intuition or how to trust their inner guidance if they do hear what it is saying. This is the are in which I specialize. I teach people how to tune into their own intuition. How are you at listening to your gut? Do you need help in this area? If you do need help I am here. Please start a conversation here or send me a private message. It's your life. Shouldn't it be the life of YOUR dreams? Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash Do you desire to feel free from anxiety and depression?
It is my belief that as we harness our natural intuitive powers (everybody has them!) that we organically begin to heal ourselves from the pain and suffering of the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is something I learned the hard way ... I did not realize that something as simple as harnessing intuition would have such a profound affect on my emotional well-being. But it does! When we are attuned to our inner voice, our internal wisdom, we are able to release the fears and doubts or the symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you are looking for a helping hand in overcoming the symptoms of anxiety and depression by harnessing your own intuitive gifts send me a message or let's talk about it right here! This is the area in which I specialize and it is my mission to bring awareness to people in pain that there is an alternative to suffering. The alternative is all about getting in touch with our own inner light. What are your thoughts? What is your experience? Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash You say you want a revolution? Well ... this is your chance to make it happen!
Sometimes we just want to rebel and something we want to create a better reality for ourselves and for the world in which we live. This is a natural desire and a powerful one. It can happen on many levels ... both on the personal level all the way to a world level. The energy this week promotes and encourages us to overthrow the status quo in our lives in order to implement a new and better order. This is Saturn trine Uranus in the dance of the planets, which is exact on Saturday but is strong all week long, too . How can we use this to our advantage? First, we need a plan. We aren't going to just get rid of things that don't work. We are going to get rid of them in order to replace them with something new. This is a powerful time for personal work such as releasing old patterns of behavior and implementing new and better patterns. For example: are you ready to start your own business? You need a plan and an exit strategy in order to recreate your career. It's not just rebelling against the status quo it is also creating goals for how you are creating things moving forward! Happy Full Moon in Taurus! The Full Moon perfects tonight or tomorrow, depending on where you are in the world.
This is the time to nurture yourself, to take some time out in order to truly let yourself relax. The truth is that we are all really stressed out right now and if we do not create opportunities for relaxation we will just continue under the stress which in the long run cannot be maintained. So what can you do to relax? We don't need to further invest in stress ... we need to invest in the remedy! I challenge you to figure out at least one thing you can do for yourself this weekend that is nurturing, healthy, kind, compassionate and most of all relaxing. This could be a walk in the woods or a long hot bubble bath. It could be a trip to the day spa or a few hours spent working on an art project. What do you love to do when you want to relax? Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash |
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