Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Saturday July 30, 2016 - Happy Saturday, all! We have an early square from the moon to Jupiter at 3:06 AM which kind of gives us a jolt. This aspect can be a bit unsettling, so it is best just to sleep through it, although it can bring us some strange dreams as well. If we do wake up we will probably want a late night snack! The moon makes a softer sextile aspect to Venus at 3:55 AM. This is comforting and warm with Venus in the fire sign of Leo. We want to snuggle with this energy. The moon makes another sextile aspect at 7:46 AM, this time to Uranus. We are tired of sitting still and we want to get up and move! Moon-Uranus is like a bolt of energy to put it so use! If you do not use it you will likely feel restless and fidgety. After this aspect peaks the moon is void-of-course for much of the day so we are best off trying to complete tasks we already started or doing routine things. Mischievous Mercury makes his ingress into the sign of Virgo at 2:19 PM. Mercury in Virgo is like a scientist trying to classify everything he comes across. He wants to properly name and label everything so that we may feel confident in the knowledge we have gained. Pay attention to details The moon moves into Cancer at 5:09 PM ending the void-of-course phase and beginning the moon's visit to her home sign. The moon is considered to be in domicile in the sign of Cancer, it is the best sign for the moon. Cancer moon can be very sensitive, not only emotionally but also intuitively, so if you this is the time to pay attention to your instincts! The moon's last aspect is a sextile to Mercury which perfects at 5:30 PM. We feel comfortable talking about our feelings. We feel in harmony with our own minds and hearts. A great stone to use today is black tourmaline which protects us from negative energy. The recommended essential oil for today is geranium which has a very nurturing quality, much like the sign of Cancer. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter
Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday July 28, 2016 - The Taurus moon kicks off the morning by making a square to Mercury in Leo at 8:17 AM. This lunar aspect is mild but imagine the bull (Taurus moon) charging the matador (Mercury in Leo). Someone might be getting heated and try to make a run at you but if you are paying attention you should be okay! The moon next opposes Mars in Scorpio which peaks at 11:13 AM and is another butting of heads. Lunar oppositions often indicate the potential for an argument or a run-in of some kind but since the lunar aspects happen so quickly this is a mild influence at most, so I do not expect anything major to be happening. After this aspect perfects the moon is void-of-course for a couple of hours. They say it is best to finish up tasks previously started or to work on routine tasks under a void-of-course moon. We move into Gemini with the lovely moon making her entrance at 2:17 PM. The thing about lunar Gemini is that she can get bored quite easily so there needs to be something of interest nearby to catch her attention. When the moon is in this sign it is better to multi-task than to try to focus on only one thing. Gemini does better moving around and changing things up. So short tasks are best. For example making several phone calls would be a great thing to do under the Gemini moon, but doing your taxes … not so much. The recommended stone for today is alabaster which helps us feel more secure in our “seeking”. Gemini is a sign of seeking, always asking questions in order to figure out how the world works. The essential oil to try today is chamomile Roman which helps build stability and also has a calming influence. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Tuesday July 26, 2016 - We have a relatively quiet day in the skies today. We begin with the moon in Aries making a conjunction to Uranus at 2:18 AM. This is a “wake up” aspect that gives us a feeling of alertness. But once this aspect perfects the moon is void-of-course until later this morning. We may feel our feel dragging when we get out of bed since that void-of-course moon tends to give us the feeling of aimlessness or to put it another way laziness! It is hard to get motivated under a void-of-course moon. At 11:37 AM the moon makes her way into Taurus, shaking off that lethargic feeling from this morning. The moon in Taurus loves the outdoors, especially gardening, so it is great energy under which to work in the garden or spend time in nature. The last quarter moon occurs at 7:00 PM. This is when the sun and moon are waning and in square aspect. The moon grows smaller and smaller in the night sky and appears to me “half-full”. There is an inherent tension in any square aspect but this one is rather mild, just sort of the normal tension we feel when our actions and our feelings may be slightly askew. A great stone to use today is hematite which encourages us to attain peace in our inner and outer lives. The recommended essential oil for today is peppermint which can invigorate us … and we might need that push with today's mellow energy! All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Sunday July 24, 2016 - In the early hours the moon in Pisces makes a trine to Mars in Sagittarius at 3:06 AM which is an energetic aspect that engages our drive and motivation. If you are awake at this time you will feel like getting something done! But after this aspect peaks the moon is void of course for some time so it is good to go back to sleep … The moon enters Aries at 8:33 AM so we can start the day with an energetic feeling. Aries tends to live in the now. They are not planners but they are do-ers! Aries likes to just go for it! The moon in Aries makes a waning trine to the sun in Leo which perfects at 12:17 PM. The full moon from Tuesday has faded and the moon grows smaller but still gives off a lot of light at this time. A great stone to work with today is palladium which is great for healing and enhancing wellness. The recommended essential oil for today is helichrysum which helps increase our energy as well as aids in balancing. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Friday July 22, 2016 - We have a couple of planetary ingresses today but otherwise it is a pretty quiet day in the sky. We begin with the moon moving into sensitive Pisces at 4:35 AM. Moon in Pisces likes to go with the flow. Pisces is about merging and ideally this merging takes place on a spiritual level so under the Pisces moon is a good time to work on spiritual connections. At 5:30 AM the sun makes his ingress into dominant Leo. Leo the lion, Leo the king! I know that sometimes Leos get a bad rap about having too much pride but the truth is they just want to be loved and appreciated, much as anyone else wants! Leos may show off but only because they want applause! And I do not mean that in a bad way, quite the contrary, Leos love to perform and to have people notice the work they have done and give positive feedback, that is all. Signs are considered to be personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal. Personal signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer which means that these signs are focused on their own personal development. Interpersonal signs are Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio which means they are focused on development through relationships. Transpersonal signs are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces which means they are focused on development mainly through community, groups or spirituality. I mention this because when we enter Leo we are moving from a four month period of personal signs are are beginning the interpersonal time of the year. I mean, relationships are important to everyone but Leos need them to know their own worth. I know we all must learn this for ourselves but Leos need other people to validate their own sense of self. I am not a Leo but I have a Leo moon and so I know this to be true in terms of my own emotional well-being (moon). So give all the Leos you know today a big hug, or a high five, or a handshake and tell them that you do notice their efforts and appreciate all they do! And you know we all have Leo somewhere in our charts so everyone, Leo or not, can appreciate this gesture! The only aspect of the day is a square from the moon to Saturn at 10:17 PM. While this might be considered a heavy aspect it is also brief. Lunar aspects are reflective of our moods which are changeable and as such are expects to go up and down. The best way to handle moon-Saturn aspects are to work on creating a firm emotional foundation … perhaps by finding something you can do to help you feel more emotionally self-reliant. Meditation, journaling, or anything that makes you feel more emotionally secure is a good think to engage in during this time. The recommended gemstone for today is carnelian which aids us in finding the right mate for you, which is important to us all but especially to Leo! The essential oil to use today is cedarwood which helps us recognize and engage our own personal power. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday July 21, 2016 - So today the moon is in Aquarius all day today. She makes some interesting aspects this evening so #1 don't hold back on being creative, unique and YOU. While #2, watch the temper! Aquarius moon is fun, exciting, unusual and unique. This is a great time for you to think outside of any box you find yourself in. Think as big as you can and then even go further than that. The first aspect the moon in Aquarius makes is when she make a sextile with Uranus in Aries at 6:26 PM. This is a really fun aspect, its where we feel original and inventive. If you have something new that you want to start, and it needs to be something different than anything else. This is a great aspect to begin it under. The last aspect is when the Aquarius moon comes to a square with Mars is Aries t 9:56 PM. This has us being impulsive and not necessarily thinking clearly. If you are feeling emotional about something right now, you should take a night to sleep on it before “going off” or releasing all sorts of blah right now. You might feel differently in the morning when this aspect passes. A great way to get your mind off the things you might be feeling frustrated with is to do something to get your heart pumping. Go for a brisk walk or run, or watch an action packed movie, just don't let whatever is bothering you annoy you too much and promise yourself to just sleep on it for a night and reassess it tomorrow. A great gemstone for today is Amazonite. Amazonite, is a wonderful stone for helping us be calmer even when e are excited. It bright calmness and smooths any frayed nerves. The essential oil suggestion for today is Lemon. Lemon will help to connect with the Aquarius moon and boost your mood. It will also help you focus on the positive things in life instead of the stress. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Wednesday July 20, 2016 - Venus and Saturn meet in a trine aspect today which peaks at 9:20 AM but the energy is effective all day long. I (Nikki) actually have an almost exact Venus-Saturn trine in my chart and there are a few things I will say about it. First, you take matters of the heart seriously. This is about commitment and fidelity. Saturn-Venus is honest and honors the wishes of others. My husband also has a Venus-Saturn aspect in his chart (his is a conjunction) and I remember going to visit a Buddhist temple with him several years ago. There were signs posted asking visitors to honor their temple by not taking photos inside but all of the visitors where taking photos, all but my husband and I. This was a very Venus-Saturn thing for us to do … to honor the wishes of others while visiting their sanctuary. Someone invites you into their space and you observe their wishes with care. Someone asks for your hand in marriage and you honor that bond. If someone makes a promise you expect them to keep it, as you would keep any promise you made. But today is a good day for deepening any commitments. Do not make promises lightly, they are serious things, but if you do feel like making your relationship bonds stronger the energy is here for you to enjoy. There is beauty in strength, and in modesty, and is silence. There is beauty in commitment and in doing the hard work needed to build something meaningful. The Aquarian moon makes a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius which perfects at 5:34 PM. This aspect is about emotional stability, and about creating a firm foundation so that we may learn how to feel safe. There is something meditative about moon-Saturn so it is a good energy under which to practice meditation. The moon opposes Venus at 6:26 PM and we feel the need to connect to someone close. Intimacy is not just a romantic thing. Friends and family can also know us in a way that is more intimate than we are comfortable with at time. If you are feeling lonely it is time to reach out to another. At 11:58 PM the moon opposes Mercury and we feel a disconnect between our hearts and minds. That is okay … the mind and heart are different and it is natural that they sometimes do not understand each other. A great stone to use today is smoky quartz which enables us to work on feeling more grounded and to build a stable foundation in our lives. An essential oil to try today is grapefruit which helps to refresh us. We can't be serious all the time and grapefruit lightens the mood. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Consult with us: StarleneB NikkiR A Brief Look at Donald Trump – A Brief Astrological Biography The Republican Convention kicked off yesterday on July 18, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. It is widely expected that Donald Trump will be officially nominated as the Republican candidate for president without it nomination being contested by the delegate vote. This is not political statement but rather an astrological investigation. We are lucky that we have a confirmed birth time for Donald Trump. We know he has sun in Gemini opposite his moon in Sagittarius, with Leo rising. Sun in Gemini gives Donald Trump a curious nature, like he wants to know about a lot of different things. Some other keywords for Gemini are expressive, versatile and intelligent. He can talk the talk and he can sound convincing, too! The difficult side of Gemini is that while they are versatile they tend to move from one thing to the next so they don't always stick with what they start, or they may change course midstream. In some ways, as a business man, this would serve Mr. Trump as he would know when to cut his losses and move onto the next thing. Mr. Trump was born on a full moon. He was born during the day, so the moon was not in the sky, but the full moon was getting ready to peak. Think about the sun being your sense of self, and the moon being your emotional life. Mr. Trump's sun, his sense of self, is visible to everyone, as he was born during the day when the sun was relatively high in the sky (9:51 AM, June 14, 1946, Queens, NY). His sun is actually extra important as it is also his chart ruler since he has Leo rising, but more on that in a bit. What I am trying to say is that Mr. Trump likes to be noticed but he doesn't want people to know how he feels on the inside. He has lots of feelings, but he lets them fuel his ego (sun). The combination of Gemini sun and Sagittarius moon is quite larger than life, and Mr. Trump certainly fits that description! Another thing I can say about this set up is that there is a tendency to get fired up about something and then move onto the next thing in a way that I do not think most people can do. When most people get worked up about something they get stuck on the issue but not Mr. Trump, he would be able to move onto something else! Mr. Trump also has sun conjunct Uranus which makes him something of a rebel. I am sure his campaign manager has a heart attack hourly as Trump goes off the talking points but a sun-Uranus person would be impossible to control. They may go along with you but only as long as it suits them and then they are going to forge ahead on their own path. The rising sign, also called the ascendant, for Mr. Trump is Leo. Think about the Lion and how they are known for their mane … now think about how Trump is known for his hair … it is very mush a Leo rising thing to have signature hair! Another way this shows up is in Mr. Trump's confidence. He comes off as self-assured and proud of what he has accomplished. The rising sign is how you present yourself to the world and Leo certainly fits Mr. Trump. As many of you probably know the slogan for Mr. Trump's campaign is “Make America Great Again” and his neither his sun, moon nor ascendant do not have a nostalgic bent but there is a signature in his chart that yearns for better times. It is Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer in his 12th house. The problem with 12th house things is they tend to be out of reach … or at least seen through rose colored glasses, so the idea of making America great again is one that is based on a dream. Like, we can't get rid of the internet, and we can't get rid of the terrorism, and so in some ways there is no going back. But the Venus-Saturn in Cancer certainly gives a nostalgic quality about better days and happier times so it fits quite well. There is a lot more we could say about Mr. Trump's chart but I think that is a good summary for now. I will take a look at Mrs. Clinton as well, keep your eyes out for the next article! Namaste, Nikki Rich Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Tuesday July 19, 2016 - After a mostly chill day yesterday in the Heavens, today brings us a lot of lunar aspects. The moon also ingresses into the sign of Aquarius late tonight. This is the last bit of the Capricorn moon of the month, and also the full moon in Capricorn. So read on and hold on for some waves throughout the day! The first aspect of the day is when Mercury in Leo comes to a trine with Saturn in Sagittarius at 2:28 AM. This has us feeling like making some realistic plans for the future. If you are up at this time you might be thinking about some of those things. Often aspects are felt before they become exact, so in all honesty, this might be a good night to think about making some plans for the future. Even make sure your Will, or Power of Attorney is up to date. None of us like to think of tragedy, but things happen in life, and if you don't have that sort of stuff straight in your life yet, it might be a good idea to make some plans to get that done. You are never too young or old to do that either! The next aspect is when the moon in Capricorn comes to a trine with Jupiter in Virgo at 4:39 AM. This is a feel good aspect, like we might even want to get up early and get the day started. Or we might like to get up in the middle of the night and munch on something we shouldn't! The moon being a lot about the body and Jupiter making things “large” lets not do that to our bodies – opt for something healthy if you do find yourself standing in front of the fridge early in the morning. The following aspect is when the moon in Capricorn makes a square to Uranus in Aries at 1:06 PM. When I think of these two planets, especially in these signs, I think of them locking horns. It would serve all of us well if we had some patience and maybe even waited making decisions at this time. This is a moon aspect so it is over with fairly quickly! The moon in Capricorn then comes to a sextile with Mars in Scorpio at 3:12 PM. This is an exciting energy and might even have some of us feeling nervous. You might want to do something with this surge of energy like go for a run or to the gym. That will help channel this energy in a positive way. The next aspect is the full moon in Capricorn that happens at 6:57 PM. When there is a full moon it means that the moon and sun are exactly opposite in the sky. The sun is in Cancer which is Capricorn's opposite. So you can figure out really easily which full moon it is going to be if you know how the zodiac goes. If the sun is in a certain sign, the moon will be in the sun's opposite sign. Oppositions bring out a tug and pull of the two energies of the planets and are thought of as hard aspects, this is why we often feel a little “loony” under the full moon! The Capricorn full moon brings bout an awareness to our heritage and where we are putting our energies in a work sense. Maybe your work is really satisfying for you and you are happy contributing to the world in the ways that you do. Or maybe you are not doing what you want to be doing. If that is the case, then this is a great energy to figure out exactly how would you like to contribute to the world? Through your work, through your family and heritage. Work on those things in the next 6 months and watch things unfold for you when the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is is Cancer (the opposite full moon as today). You can accomplish and put a lot into gear in those 6 months! After the peak of the full moon the moon goes into her void-of-course phase for a couple of hours. Take some time to spend time with family, meditate or reflect on the next 6 months of your life. The the moon ingresses into the sign of Aquarius at 11:10 PM. This is a zaney moon that has you thinking and doing things “out of the box”! Moon in Aquarius is a time to do things that you do not usually do, get out of the quiet shell you might be in and do something that makes you feel free! The moon hangs in Aquarius until early Friday morning! The gemstone for today is Moonstone. Moonstone is connected to the moon, and the sun because the moon today is in Capricorn and the sun is in Cancer. This is a nice gemstone to help keep you balanced during this time. The essential oil suggestion for today is Chamomile. Chamomile is a great essential oil to help bring the energies of the moon in and keep them calm and feeling lovely. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Monday July 18, 2016 - Welcome to Monday! The energy today is soft and subtle, and kind of typical Monday energy. The Capricorn moon actually likes going back to work! The Capricorn moon makes a sextile to Neptune in Pisces at 1:37 PM which peaks at 1:37 PM. The Capricorn moon tends to be quite practical but touching Neptune in this way we like to see a deeper or more symbolic meaning to what is happening in our life. Using your imagination to achieve your goals is a good use to this energy. Artistic pursuits are also favored. Lady moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn at 9:42 PM. If something is bothering us this aspect tends to bring it out. It is easier to feel stress or depression under this influence but the best way to handle it is to use it to investigate your feelings and dig into the depths to figure out the underlying cause. The recommended gemstone for today is pearl which is tied to the moon and the divine feminine. And as Monday is the day of the moon pearl is very fitting for any Monday. A great essential oil to work with today is bergamot which encourages us and we can all use some encouragement now and then. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter |
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