The new moon in Cancer occurs at 8:31 PM on Friday, June 23 here in Montana (mountain time). New moons are best for new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting (metaphorical) seeds. The sign of Cancer is known for being both protective and intuitive. If you are working on areas of self-protection such as healthy boundaries and saying no then this new moon can aid with those things. If you are working on developing your intuition this new moon is also a great time to focus more on that area. Depending on where this new moon falls in your own chart (by both house and aspect) the new moon can also be harnessed to improve that area of your life. For example the new moon falls in my 10th house of career and so this is a great time for me to dedicate myself to improving or expanding my career and business.
The new moon occurs at 3 degrees of Cancer. So if you have planets at 3 degrees of an cardinal signs (Aries. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) you will feel motivated to make changes with this new moon. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A Man Bundled in Fur Leads a Shaggy Deer”. This is an unusual symbol. If someone is bundled in fur it is likely very cold. And here he is working with the deer instead of hunting it. To me this brings in the idea of working through hardship and cold in cooperation with nature. Deer are wild animals but here it is being led willingly. There is something here that reminds me of the Strength card from the tarot as well. We tame the wildness within and we walk out of the cold. Some of the “background noise” for the weekend and week ahead is a volatile t-square involving Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. This type of energy can be a little dangerous as we tend to blow things out of proportion and explode. The caution here is to be on guard but be careful not to overreact. Balance and perspective helps to keep things in line. But if you are accident prone or have anger issues you may need to work extra hard in order to stay safe and retain your poise. One last thought on the new moon in Cancer … the moon rules the sign of Cancer and both share very nurturing energy. Cancer is the mother of the zodiac. With this energy you have the opportunity to nurture yourself and your family. How do you care properly for yourself and for those around you? This is a good time to recommit to being kind, nurturing, and compassionate … especially to yourself. Give yourself a hug and allow yourself to truly acknowledge your feeling in an authentic manner, instead of being too hard on yourself. Happy New Moon!
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Nikki RichAstrologer, Reiki Master, tarot reader, and so much more! Archives
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