We are using the power of love this week to continue the pursuit of our dreams. How do you truly want you life to be? What’s holding you back from getting there? You are worth it so go for it with love and passion!
Monday May 28th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio void-of-course at 11:25 AM MDT Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:29 PM MDT The full moon in Sagittarius is tomorrow and today we have the chance to prepare. With the moon void-of-course for a few hours today midday we should take care of our most important business either in the morning or after the moon moves into the next sign late afternoon. Tuesday May 29th ~ What’s going on today: Full Moon in Sagittarius at 8’10” Mercury enters Gemini What it means: Full moons are hyper times. We have a ton of energy so much so we might feel like we are ready to burst. With the full moon in Sagittarius we feel bold, reckless even, and might be prone to getting ourselves into a bit of trouble, you know, just to stir the pot. Sagittarius tends to have no filter so often we might say or do things that we haven’t thought through completely. Keep that in mind and embrace the optimistic joy that comes with this energy. There is a higher calling out there if you allow yourself to connect. The Sabian Symbol for the full moon is “A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway”. The caution in this symbol is juxtaposed to the risky energy in this full moon and I would embrace the caution as advice. We want to keep moving upward in our journey toward evolution but we also want to make sure we are going one step at a time, with care. The sign of Sagittarius is strongly linked to spiritual and philosophical growth and this full moon can be a stepping stone towards that growth. But choose your direction deliberately and with care or you might not like the fall down the stairs when you slip up. Mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini. There is a natural curiosity and sense of adventure here, both intellectual and local. Gemini loves word games, puns, practical jokes as well as rumors. Have fun and enjoy! Mercury is still moving very quickly and will only spend two weeks in his own sign. Our minds are likely racing just as quickly during this time so if you need to work on some practices to slow it down I recommend a moving meditation. Gemini isn’t a fan of sitting still so something like yoga, tai chi, or a walking meditation will be easier at this time than seated meditation. Questions to ask yourself: What direction are you moving? How can you expand your spiritual growth and your evolutionary journey? Where does your curiosity take you? If you could explore an idea, person or place what might that be and what is holding you back? Wednesday May 30th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Sagittarius void-of-course at 12:26 AM MDT We have an all day long void-of-course moon today which is in huge contrast to the hectic energy of yesterday’s full moon. As I always say the void-of-course moon is best for routine tasks as well as for finishing up old tasks that you started previously. Thursday May 31st ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Capricorn at 3:26 AM MDT Moon in Capricorn is a great placement with which you can set aside any personal drama that might be occurring in your life or in the lives of those around you and instead focus on work, goals and business. Sometimes we need to step out of our emotional body and let ourselves just be productive. It feels good and today is a wonderful day to do just that! Friday June 1st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Capricorn void-of-course at 9:37 PM MDT Mercury trine Mars Venus trine Jupiter What it means: When Mercury and Mars make an aspect there can be an influx of passion toward your beliefs. We feel aggressive (Mars) toward what we think and say (Mercury). It’s great energy under which to give a motivational speech. But if you are talking a lot today think whether or not your words are motivational or if they might invoke some other energy. We can get riled up over things with this type of aspect so be considerate about what you are investing your energy in. No need to get angry over things outside of our control. Instead let’s figure out how to create real change. Do you recall last week when Jupiter and Neptune made that lovely trine aspect giving us the ability to manifest our dreams? Today and tomorrow we have Venus aspecting both planets and activating that aspect once again. With Venus it’s like we are realizing the true power of love (cue Huey Lewis). Venus trine Jupiter is a big heart willing to make sacrifices in order to help the greater good. You can use this energy to further bring about positive change in your own life through self-love and through the love of your greater aims. This aspect can also be overindulgence in celebration so be aware there is a tendency to go overboard today, especially with sweets and alcohol. Questions to ask yourself: What are you telling yourself and others? Are you coming on too strong? Rhetoric is fine but let’s also make sure we have the ability to take action as well! How do you express your love? Do you use the power of love to change your life and your world? If not, why not? It’s real and you can harness your love for great change. Saturday June 2nd ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Aquarius at 4:06 PM Venus trine Neptune What it means: See the notes about Venus from yesterday and I want to add that Venus-Neptune is an amazing aspect for wearing rose-colored glasses. Everything can be rosy, if we decide to look at it that way! Embrace that feeling of love for the world and for everyone you meet. Spread that positivity and allow yourself to believe in fairy tales. Magic is real. Questions to ask yourself: How can you bring more magic into your daily life? How can you look at things so they appear more rosy? Sunday June 3rd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aquarius When the moon is in Aquarius we have permission to be unique … not that we are asking for permission! But allowing yourself to be quirky is the best you can do. Nerds are hot to any Aquarian you meet so bring out your inner nerd today and feel free to just be yourself. Moving in the direction of your dreams might be scary but it’s not as scary as giving up on them! That was the message last week and it echoes again this week. Use your own power of love to make your life better and better. Very day in every way life is getting better!
It’s your choice: daydream or dream big. You can imagine unlikely scenarios or you can make it real! Like Oprah says “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Are you up for it?
Monday May 21st ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Virgo 8:03 PM MDT We have a void-of-course moon most of the day today (which began last night). When the moon is void-of-course I like to focus on wrapping up old tasks and doing routine tasks: cleaning out the inbox, sorting through paperwork, filing, doing laundry, etc. You know those tasks that never seem to have a beginning or an end? Since it is a Monday maybe finish up things from last week that you started at work but didn’t have the chance to complete. Tuesday May 22nd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Virgo Mercury sextile Neptune Mercury opposite Jupiter What it means: If you have trouble focusing today I am not surprised with Mercury aspects involving both Neptune and Jupiter. Mercury governs the way we think and Neptune can lead us into the realm of fantasy and imagination. Jupiter can lend grandiosity to our thoughts so I am envisioning elaborate daydreams. And maybe a bit of trouble focusing on real life. These energies are powerful for manifestation work so use them to your advantage. Envision the life you truly dream of and feel the love within grow which helps to embrace and manifest those dreams. Questions to ask yourself: How can you use your imagination to manifest your goals and dreams? Albert Einstein said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Can you integrate this idea into your own life? Wednesday May 23rd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Virgo void-of-course at 8:55 AM MDT Sun trine Mars What it means: When the sun and Mars are in trine aspect we feel energized and ready to face the world. Confidence grows. We are willing to work hard and take risks. Since both the sun and Mars are in air signs we might have an overactive mind today, or we may engage in a lot of conversation. But Mars loves to get physical so get some exercise in today as well. You should feel strong so enjoy it! Questions to ask yourself: Where in my life am I motivated right now? What can I do today to capitalize on that motivation? Thursday May 24th ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Libra at 12:52 AM MDT We are gearing up for some major energies tomorrow (see below) but for today, with the moon in Libra, it’s a great day to work on balance. All signs need balance but Libra is actually dedicated to the idea of finding harmony and balance within themselves and within the context of their relationships, as well. Friday May 25th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra Jupiter trine Neptune Mercury trine Pluto Venus opposite Saturn What it means: Jupiter and Neptune are quite similar in the energy they bring. Both planets are visionary and idealistic, and they ask us to expand our boundaries and move beyond our comfort zone. Think about where in your life you are being asked to move past your comfort zone and then harness the positive energy with this aspect to embrace the dream you see for yourself. It can be learning how to be emotionally vulnerable in relationships. Or it could be sharing your artwork with an audience for the first time. Or maybe you are finally able to admit to yourself that surviving isn’t enough and you want more out of life. Whatever it is this energy can be harnessed toward that goal. These planets move slowly so this aspect has been active for some time and will continue for the next week or so. This is the second pass of these two planets so you can look back at the time around early December 2017 to see what issues resonate and where you are being asked to push yourself. The final pass will take place in mid-August of this year. Moving into our larger dreams for ourselves and our world is important. It is part of our personal evolution as well as the evolution of our social consciousness. We can do better. We will do better. Every day in every way we are getting better and better. Mercury trine Pluto is like a master detective. Mystery writers, historians, and other people interested in secrets and a deeper story that isn’t being told probably have a strong Mercury-Pluto aspect in their charts. This is great for discernment as well as for utilizing both your personal truth meter and your bullshit detector. You can use this energy today to uncover secrets or to face your own, long buried secrets. Venus opposite Saturn can be tough on your love life but the truth is that it isn’t the easy times that determines how successful a relationship is but how well you handle the tough times together. The same is true for self love. If you beat yourself up when times are tough it doesn’t help you learn or get better or grow. Learning to treat yourself and your partner with love when faced with challenges is a lesson we can all use. Questions to ask yourself: How can you push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to allow for personal growth? What secrets are starting to come to the surface? How can you deal with the ramifications of those secrets with honor? What can you be more loving to yourself and to those closest to you in troubled times? How can you honor yourself by expressing your differences with another with kindness, compassion and strength? Saturday May 26th ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Scorpio at 7:39 AM MDT Often the moon in Scorpio gets something of a bad reputation but this powerful placement aids us in confronting our emotional power. Are we using our emotions to fuel us or drain us? Are we able to share our emotions and be vulnerable with others or are we protecting ourselves by not letting anyone else know how we truly feel? We can use the resilient strength of this placement to be honest with ourselves in order to heal and do better. Sunday May 27th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio We have a full moon in a couple of days and while we feel the pressure growing the moon in Scorpio is a good time to focus on thriving under pressure. Whether this is a work deadline or emotional pressure it’s excellent practice on allowing yourself to calmly focus on the task at hand, whatever that may be. Moving in the direction of your dreams might be scary but it’s not as scary as giving up on them! Daring to dream and to push toward that ideal takes bravery and an expansive heart. Luckily this week brings those things but it’s up to you to embrace your own true path. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash The point of power is always in the present moment. That is always true and this week even more relevant than usual! Focus on the now and prepare for change! Things are about to get rocky! Use this as an opportunity to create more positive in your own life.
Monday May 14th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Taurus We are building up to the new moon in Taurus tomorrow. The moon is considered exalted in the sign of Taurus so this is a good placement to work on emotional stability, especially with all the changes coming in this week. Engage in a grounding activity like gardening or spending time outdoors in order to set a good foundation for yourself this week. Tuesday May 15th ~ What’s going on today: New Moon at 24’36” Taurus at 5:48 AM MDT Moon in Taurus void-of-course at 2:30 PM MDT Moon enters Gemini at 2:43 PM MDT Uranus enters Taurus Mars enters Aquarius What it means: New moons are my favorite time of the lunar cycle. We have an influx of positive energy into a concentrated area of the chart which allows us to harness the energy to improve ourselves and our lives. The new moon in Taurus is all about investment. What are you investing in right now in terms of time, money, relationships, goals, priorities? If there is something you wish to invest in more thoroughly in your life this is a wonderful time to set those intentions. A small ritual under the new moon is powerful. When outer planets enter a new sign it is a time of great instability. And since Uranus is the planet associated most with instability that energy is off the charts with Uranus entering the sign of Taurus today. This is a long term aspect. Uranus will stay in this sign until 2026 (although there will be a brief dip back into Aries from November 2018 until March 2019). Expect things that you thought were stable to crumble. Expect feeling more rebellious than usual. Expect the unexpected to happen. If you have planets in Taurus or in the early degrees of any sign, especially fixed sign, this will be felt more strongly in your personal life. Personally I have Mars in early Capricorn in my 4th house and expect to feel quite a bit of upheaval in my home life over the next couple of years as Uranus makes a trine to this placement. Hard aspects will be more tumultuous. If you feel like the ground is falling away beneath your feet right now it’s probably time to schedule a consultation! Mars enters Aquarius late tonight as well here in mountain time (tomorrow for Eastern time and Europe). This energy is only instigating the rebelliousness that Uranus is triggering. There two planets are in a square aspect which perfects tomorrow (see below for details) and we are going to feel the need to overthrow our oppressors, whatever form they might take. Expect some civil unrest in the weeks and months to come. Mars is in Aquarius until November, although he does dip back into Capricorn during his retrograde cycle this summer. What all of this means is that there is the opportunity for great change and great strides forward … as long as we don’t destroy everything in our path for the sake of change. Questions to ask yourself: What do I want to invest in with my time and money right now? Relationships? Goals? Priorities? Where do I feel stuck? What area of my life needs some major overhaul? How can I reinvent myself and my life? How can I channel my energy toward positive change that will benefit the greater good? Wednesday May 16th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini Mars square Uranus What it means: Mars square Uranus is tumultuous, possibly argumentative, and even dangerous. If you are not in the right headspace, willing to be patient and steady, things might happen in a way to get you quite upset. That could be traffic accidents or it could be public protests, but the energy is powerful and unpredictable. The best way to utilize this is by engaging in martial arts in a positive, philosophical manner, as well as by channeling the energy physically. Embrace your zen, live in the moment, and kick the shit out of the heavy bag. Questions to ask yourself: What am I rebelling against in my life right now? Responsibilities? Oppression? Can you rebel against negativity and embrace a positive mental and physical stance instead? Thursday May 17th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini void-of-course at 12:18 PM MDT Moon enters Cancer at 3:47 PM The transition between the moon in Gemini and the moon in Cancer is stark Use the morning to run errands and then use the afternoon to create more comfort and coziness in your nest. Friday May 18th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer Mercury trine Saturn What it means: Mercury trine Saturn is great problem solving energy. We might want to use this to make progress today in physical projects since both Mercury and Saturn are in earth signs. A little elbow grease does wonders to many problems! Questions to ask yourself: What projects can I work on to feel a sense of accomplishment and pride? Saturday May 19th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer void-of-course at 3:14 PM MDT Moon enters Leo at 5:11 PM MDT Venus enters Cancer Venus sextile Uranus What it means: Venus enters the sign of Cancer today where she will stay for about 3 weeks. Venus in Cancer can be sensitive and might prefer to stay at home instead of venturing out into the world as much as Venus in Gemini. Venus in Cancer does like to nurture love ones so take this time to care for those around you as well as yourself, too! Venus sextile Uranus does add some sparks so an otherwise demure Venus placement! Ooh la la … feel like flirting? Have fun and shake things up in your personal relationships … a little bit of risque business? Yes please! This could be anything from some new adventure in the bedroom to fingerpainting with your toddler. Do something that pushes your boundaries … in the privacy of your own home! Questions to ask yourself: What can you do to nurture your loved ones and yourself? How can you spice things up at home? What can I do that might seem shocking but that would also be a lot of fun? Sunday May 20th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Leo Sun enters Gemini What it means: It really seems like time is flying by this week and with the sun entering Gemini we are feeling that more and more. Toes are tapping and fingers and twiddling with impatience! Gemini is a rather curious sign … they always want to be investigating something new whether it is a new concept or a new neighborhood. Allow yourself to explore. Questions to ask yourself: What am I curious about? How can I explore new things this solar month? The long term impact of the changes this week is profound but for now just try to keep your head above water and remain in the moment. It is helpful to focus on what is within your power at any given moment in order to get through the difficulties. Remember: the point of power is always the present moment. Photo by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash We have a lot of action this week and are ramping up to some even bigger changes next week (stay tuned) so expect things to be heating up. Mercury is speeding a long at about 2 degrees a day which is a very fast pace for him so our thoughts will be racing and sometimes we might speak before we have thought everything through. Make a choice to rise above the tumult and choose your thoughts and words deliberately this week.
Monday May 7th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aquarius Mercury square Pluto Venus square Neptune What it means: When Mercury squares Pluto there is this feeling of really excellent mystery theater going. What have you been trying to figure out? What are your hunches telling you? Sometimes under this aspect we may because suspicious, whether that suspicion is well founded or not, and so be careful if you are tempted to make some sort of accusation. Another way this energy can show up is through confronting the shadow. Are deep feelings coming to the surface that have been hiding? It’s a good time to deal with those buried feelings, even if it might not be easy. Venus square Neptune is an aspect I like to call “knight on the white horse syndrome”. What I mean by that is often as people we give our power away and think we need someone to swoop in and save the day when the truth is we have the power to act for ourselves. If you are waiting for someone else to act, or if you are putting off a part of your life until something else happens, i.e. I will be happy when I am _______ (thin, rich, in a relationship, working at a new job, etc.) the same applies. Be happy today and then do those things, too. Don’t wait for something else to come save you. Questions to ask yourself: What have you been trying to figure out? What are your hunches telling you? Are deep feelings coming to the surface that have been hiding? Are you waiting to be “rescued”? Is there something you can do today to take control of the issue instead of waiting to be “saved”? Tuesday May 8th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aquarius void-of-course at 8:29 PM MDT Moon enters Pisces at 9:11 PM MDT Sun opposite Jupiter What it means: When the sun opposes Jupiter we have our essence on one side (the sun) and optimistic expansion (Jupiter) on the other side. This can be a great aspect to help us regain hope in working toward our goals. Sometimes with this aspect we can meet another person who represents the Jupitierean principle. On the positive side they might be energetic, optimistic, uplifting, inspiring. Or on the negative side they might be pompous, overbearing, judgmental, excessive. If you meet Jupiter today take a look at how he shows up in your life and see if you can’t find a way to make this meeting more beneficial, whether it is a positive or negative one initially. Questions to ask yourself: How can I be more optimistic? How can I focus on being expansive with my life without being excessive? What do I have to teach the world (and myself)? Wednesday May 9th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces When the moon is in Pisces we feel more able to go with the flow. We can connect with the cosmic current and feel as though we are part of a larger whole. You can use the energy today to connect with your intuition and with spirit. Thursday May 10th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces Another day with the moon in Pisces and we are completing the cosmic cycle. Are there things in your life that can be wrapped up before you start something new tomorrow after the moon moves into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries? Friday May 11th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces void-of-course at 3:02 AM MST Moon enters Aries at 6:40 AM MDT Sun trine Pluto What it means: A few days ago, on Monday, we had Mercury square Pluto and today we have the sun trine Pluto. Whatever issues arose on Monday with the square we now have the ability to integrate into ourselves in a positive manner. If you are uncomfortable with your own shadow side this is a great day to do acceptance and forgiveness work toward releasing any resentment or guilt you might be dealing with. Questions to ask yourself: What secrets do I have that I can work on accepting instead of rejecting? Do I carry resentment or anger toward myself or others that can be forgiven? Saturday May 12th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries Mercury square Mars What it means: With Mercury square Mars it could mean anything from “angry words” to “willpower to overcome obstacles”. When we have Mercury squares I personally like to use the daily energy to focus on mindfulness and to pay attention to my thoughts and words. If they are harsh, critical or negative I work on making helpful adjustments. I believe in the power of our thoughts and words. A day like this can help reveal where we can improve our mindset and our communication in order to create a better life in general. Questions to ask yourself: What are your most frequent thought patterns? Is there a way to shift mindset to be more positive and optimistic? Sunday May 13th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries void-of-course at 12:05 PM MDT Moon enters Taurus at 12:15 PM MDT Mercury conjunct Uranus Mercury enters Taurus What it means: Next week we have one of the biggest changes to happen this year astrologically when Uranus enters the sign of Taurus. Today we have a small preview when Mercury conjoins Uranus at the end of Aries and then Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus ahead of Uranus. Mercury and Uranus together can be shocking, electric thinking and speaking. If you want to zap someone with your words today is the day. As I mentioned above we can utilize Mercury aspects to improve the thoughts we think and the words we say and today’s energy supports this as well. We might shock ourselves (Uranus) by what comes out at first but later as Mercury moves into Taurus we can take the next two weeks while Mercury is in the sign of Taurus to choose our thoughts more deliberately. Questions to ask yourself: Do the thoughts that pop into my head or the words that come out of my mouth shock myself or others? How can I regulate my thinking to be both insightful and deliberate? The thoughts we think and the words we say create the reality we experience. This week allows for practice to notice those internal patterns and to let go of things that aren’t working for us inside of ourselves in order to create what we truly desire for ourselves and our lives. Remember that it is our mind and we should have some measure of control regarding what goes on in there! Photo by Miles Storey on Unsplash |
Nikki RichAstrologer, Reiki Master, tarot reader, and so much more! Archives
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