The highlight this week is certainly Mars station direct. But don’t forget we have the direct Saturn station coming up next week so we are starting to feel that, too. With Mars station we are like an arrow pulled back in a bow, tensed and ready to fire. With Saturn station we are more like Atlas with the weight of the world on our shoulders. Either way you feel, even if you can relate to both, is relevant right now. Depending on how these energies are playing in your personal chart you are probably on one side or the other of that equation. Or, if you are lucky like me, both of those planets are affecting you strongly and you are poised for big change over the next few months.
Monday August 27th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces Mars Station Direct Mercury square Jupiter What it means: With Mars stationing direct in Capricorn we get a sense that we really need to focus on our priorities if we want to accomplish anything. Capricorn is the sign of the builder and Mars enjoys to work so these energies are quite complimentary. In fact, Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn which means he is very happy here. But the work we do should have a larger purpose. The work should be intended toward a larger goal. And Capricorn doesn’t appreciate distractions so remain focused. If there is something you have been working on for the past few months now is the time to double down and get it done. It takes perseverance and focus to accomplish meaningful tasks but that is the lesson and gift of Mars in Capricorn. With Mercury square Jupiter we have the push pull between taking care of the little things versus considering the larger picture. The truth is we need to balance these two influences in our life but most of us tend to be on one end or the other of the balancing act. If you are a detail person you may have the trouble that you can’t see the forest for the trees somethings. But if you are a big picture person there can be times when you can’t manifest the big picture because you aren’t taking care of the small steps along the way. With this energy work on trying to take both ends of the spectrum into consideration, especially if you are frustrated with the way things are going. Look from the other perspective and try to see how you can bring the details into balance with the larger goal. Questions to ask: Where is my focus and what steps can I take today to accomplish my goals? Do I even have a larger goal? Can I step back and gain a larger perspective? What details need to be taken care of so I can accomplish my larger goal? Tuesday August 28th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces void-of-course at 7:54 AM MDT Moon enters Aries at 8:35 AM MDT With the moon moving into Aries is a brand new day. We had the full moon in Pisces a few days ago which represents the completion of a cycle and once things end we start new again. Wednesday August 29th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries It’s another day with the moon in Aries. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars who is starting to pick up speed after his direct station on Monday. Anyone with strong Mars signatures in their charts are going to start feeling a bit happier with the moon in a Mars sign and Mars moving forward again. Thursday August 30th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries void-of-course at 5:04 PM MDT Moon enters Taurus at 7:30 PM MDT We have the Saturn station direct coming up next week but we are already feeling it. Things are starting to get heavy. When the moon moves into Taurus later in the day it will makes an aspect to Saturn giving us the opportunity to ease our burden. What can you do today to make your life easier and your load a little lighter? Friday August 31st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Taurus Taurus moon is about comfort and feeling connected to nature. Where is your comfort zone and how can you merge that with the natural world today? That might mean a hike or some time spent working in your garden or simply sitting outside at a park where you enjoy the setting. Saturday September 1st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Taurus void-of-course at 11:56 PM MDT One thing about Taurus is that quality over quantity is certainly appreciated. It’s better to have one thing that is really nice than five of the same that are just mediocre. With this in mind how can you improve the quality of your surroundings and get rid of any extra quantity that you don’t need. Sunday September 2nd ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Gemini at 2:02 AM MDT With the moon entering Gemini today things seem to speed up. Taurus the Bull likes to do things one at a time while Gemini ruled by Mercury is mercurial! Gemini prefers to multi-task and to keep a livelier pace, too. What’s your week look like? What are you aiming at?
Weekly Forecast ~ Week of August 20th
We have a stunning Full Moon in Pisces to end an otherwise quite week. We are still setting things in motion post eclipse season. This means both ending old things and starting new things. Major life changes don’t always happen overnight. A lot of work goes into it. And this is the week to buckle down and get things done. Monday August 20th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Sagittarius void-of-course at 5:47 PM MDT Moon enters Capricorn at 9:59 PM MDT With the moon in Sagittarius most of the day today we feel naturally optimistic and maybe even a little lucky. Enjoy the pie-in-the-sky feeling. Tomorrow will be much more down to earth, Tuesday August 21st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Capricorn There are only lunar aspects today and with the moon in Capricorn we are pretty serious. Capricorn moon is practical, hard-working and pragmatic. If you have some important projects to complete this week today is a great day to get a lot of that work finished. Don’t forget that Capricorn is an earth sign so if you need a break try to get outside where there is some greenery. Wednesday August 22nd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Capricorn Sun enters Virgo What it means: The sun in Virgo is known for being something of a perfectionist. The truth is that Virgo is really just trying to make things the most efficient as possible. Everything can always get better. That is the blessing and the curse of Virgo. Sometimes Virgo comes off as being overly critical but they are really just trying to make things better. Another keyword I like to use with Virgo is discriminating. Good enough isn’t really good enough for Virgo. Things need to be better than just good enough. Virgo is another earth sign so it’s a good energy to under both practical matters as well as anything you would like to do with regards to nature. That can be getting outside more or it can be working in your garden. With the sun in Virgo think about how you can be the best version of yourself and then take the little steps toward being that person. Questions to ask: How do you imagine the best version of yourself? What small steps can you take right now to be closer to the vision? How can you make your life run more smoothly and more efficiently? Thursday August 23rd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Capricorn void-of-course at 8:19 AM MDT Moon enters Aquarius at 10:56 AM MDT With the shift from the moon in Capricorn to Aquarius we become less focused on practicalities and more focused on abstract ideas. If you can imagine or invent something new for yourself today’s energy will support you. It reminds me of the quote “If you think something is impossible, it is.” Be imaginative and don’t let old notions hold you back. Friday August 24th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aquarius void-of-course at 10:39 PM MDT We’ve had it easy this week with the majority of days having only lunar aspects. This gives us a chance to recover and catch up from all the craziness earlier this summer with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde. With this weekend things are ramping back up with the full moon on Sunday and Mars station direct on Monday. Saturday August 25th ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Pisces 11:32 PM MDT With an all day long void-of-course moon in Aquarius get ready to enter the twilight zone. Seriously. Things are going to be weird. Best thing to do with weird is to go with the flow and just accept that today’ going to just be one of those days. It’s best not to start new projects with the moon void-of-course but you can certainly entertain yourself by working in your inventor’s lab on the projects you already have underway. Aquarius is the mad scientist, after all. Sunday August 26th ~ What’s going on today: Full Moon in Pisces at 5:56 AM MDT Venus square Pluto What it means: The sign of Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and in many ways is about completion. With the full moon in this sign think about the things in your life that are wrapping up now. We finished with eclipse season and now are putting an end to the things that no longer belong in our lives so that we can start a new metaphorical or actual adventure. The Sabian symbol for this full moon at 4 degrees Pisces is “Heavy Car Traffic On A Narrow Isthmus Linking Two Seashore Resorts”. (If only you all knew how true this was in my life right now!) Think of where you have been recently in your life as one resort. Think of where you are going post eclipse season as the new resort. Getting from one place to another can be full of snarls and tangles but you have to make the journey. You cannot stay stuck on the road. Even if you temporarily break down you will need to make the needed repairs to get to your destination. The path might be narrow but we do want to get to our new seaside resort. What better image for Pisces that the ocean? When you think about what connects you to something larger than your own day to day issues in life, what is that? The ocean with all its vastness is one of those things for many people and invoking it here in this image allows us to do the hard work needed to get to the relaxing destination. It is a resort, after all. Do you have built in rewards for the metaphorical journey you are taking in your own life right now? The other aspect today is Venus square Pluto which is a very different energy from the full moon in Pisces. The full moon in Pisces wants to connect at a deep level with those they love but also with something much greater than a single person. Venus and Pluto want to get lost in one on one intimacy. Both energies have a feeling of merging but one is very broad and ephemeral while the other is quite narrow and specific. If you find yourself obsessing about relationships that is a reflection of this Venus-Pluto energy, too. Love deeply and remember that how you express yourself with love is the most important thing. Other people’s feelings are important too, but mostly to those other people. Questions to ask: How are you transitioning from the old you to the new you? How do you create a life with built in opportunities to connect with Spirit? What is ending in your life right now and what would you like to see begin? How can you express your love and affection deeply and meaningfully? This can be love for anything in your life, not just for another person, although it can of course include that, too. We have a stunning Full Moon in Pisces to end an otherwise quite week. We are still setting things in motion post eclipse season. This means both ending old things and starting new things. Major life changes don’t always happen overnight. A lot of work goes into it. And this is the week to buckle down and get things done. With Mercury station Direct and the final pass of the Jupiter-Neptune trine we are getting ready to move forward from a place of optimism and faith once more in our lives. If you think you have lost that part of yourself this week can remind you of how to reignite that inner fire.
Monday August 13th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Virgo void-of-course at 10:37 PM MDT Moon enters Libra at 10:57 PM MDT When the moon is in Virgo it is a good time to get the little things done. You know, those things that only take a few moments but we tend to put off for no good reason? Virgo is great at productivity. So whether it’s a lot of little projects or a larger project with lots of little details Virgo moon can help you out. Tuesday August 14th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra This week there aren’t a lot of planetary aspects so we can always talk about the moon. The moon rules our moods and is ever changing, just like our moods. Today has the moon in Libra which is an air sign whose symbol is the scales. Libra loves balance and harmony. We can find balance internally or we can create it externally through deliberate design choices. We can design our environment, our garden, our relationships, anything we want. The thing is that when something comes along to knock us off balance how can we flow back into a state of balance naturally? Look around you today to see how you can improve the balance in your own life. Wednesday August 15th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra Another day with the moon in Libra. In many ways right now we are trying to balance between what we want for ourselves (sun and Mercury in Leo) with what society wants for us (Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). This tension between our personal needs and what we are allowed or expected to do for the larger community is sometimes at odds but the Libra moon can aid us in coming to a sense of peace about it all. Thursday August 16th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra void-of-course at 1:56 AM MDT Moon enters Scorpio at 2:54 AM MDT It’s a change in tone from yesterday with the moon now in Scorpio. The Scorpio moon tends to be much more focused and driven than the moon in Libra so if you have been slacking off on your work then today is a great day to re-dedicate yourself to making things happen. Friday August 17th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio It’s been a full week of only lunar aspects which is helping us recuperate from the eclipse season we have had over the past month or so. We might feel like things are going very slowly as Mercury retrograde is slowing down once again as he prepares to station direct this weekend. Use today’s Scorpio moon energy to focus on what’s most important. Scorpio loves priorities. Saturday August 18th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio void-of-course at 9:07 AM MDT Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:45 AM MDT Mercury trine Venus Mercury Station Direct What it means: It’s a good day, even if it feels like things are moving slower than molasses in January. Mercury stations direct which means Mercury retrograde is now over! And while he is stationing he makes a nice trine aspect to Venus in her home sign of Libra, adding a bit of ease and please to the day. If you have planets or placements in Leo you will be especially happy as Leo has been getting a mixed message from Mercury saying slow down and the eclipses of the past few weeks telling Leo to make changes now! Questions to ask: What’s REALLY on your mind? How can you make a plan to address those lingering thoughts? Sunday August 19th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Sagittarius Jupiter trine Neptune What it means: We have been experiencing this Jupiter-Neptune trine since late last year. This is the third and final pass and ideally we will all have worked out a better spiritual system in the meantime. Jupiter is expansive and associated with hope, faith and optimism. Neptune connects us with a higher plane. These two planets together have made this year wonderful for personal spiritual growth or learning to harness your intuition in a more reliable and profound manner. There is something nebulous about these two planets together so we might not be able to see the a huge difference but if we have been working on expanding our ideal spiritual connection then we should certainly be able to feel the difference between now and back in 2017. Questions to ask: What does faith look like to you? Are you listening to your inner guidance? Can you expand your daily awareness to include awareness of a higher power? The big news this week is Mercury station direct. Mercury retrograde is over! Hooray! On a more profound level we are being asked to get in touch with our spiritual side and simply have faith. I gotta have faith. The biggest news this week is the solar eclipse in Leo, the last eclipse of the summer. “Eclipse season” happens twice a year and this year we have seen a powerful trio of eclipses that have been involved with a lot of other strong astrological signatures. Basically this creates an atmosphere that is ripe for change. Not just ripe. Over ripe. Change is imminent. And with change comes the unknown. Are you ready to face it?
Monday August 6th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini Venus enters Libra What it means: Venus is so much happier in her home sign of Libra than she has been in Virgo we are going to notice a shift toward feeling more comfortable in our own skin with this planetary ingress. Tuesday August 7th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini void-of-course at 1:55 AM MDT Moon enters Cancer at 10:01 PM Uranus Station Rx Venus Trine Mars What it means: Uranus spends about half the year in retrograde motion so it’s not unusual for him to be retrograde. At the station, however, when he appears to slow down and then stand still in the sky before starting in his backwards motion he is more powerful. If Uranus is touching things in your chart during his station at 2 and a half degrees Taurus expect the unexpected. Uranus is the cosmic groundshaker, the inventor, and the original rebel. He doesn’t do the expected. He instead creates new ways of doing things. He doesn’t like to go along with the flow and instead he will surprise you. His unpredictable nature makes him understandably hard to predict but you can expect the unusual. If things aren’t working in your life he will help you out by turning everything on its head. Easier to start from scratch if you are outside your comfort zone. We also have a lovely Venus trine Mars aspect today that is great for relationships. After all the stress with Mars in recent weeks I feel like this lovely aspect is a gift from above. If your relationships have been tense, whether that is romantic, friendly, or work relationships, today is a great day to bridge the gap and bring you both back onto the same page. This is also a sensual day so activities that engage your senses are excellent, anything from making love to working with clay to making apple pie from scratch. Questions to ask yourself: Where are you complacent and where do you need to make some big changes? If you could shake up one thing in your life what would it be? Where in your life are things begging to be reinvented? How can you add more sensuality to your life today? How can you engage all 5 senses in an activity? Is there a way for you to come back into harmony in any relationships that might have been stressed lately? Wednesday August 8th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer Sun conjunct Mercury What it means: Mercury is in retrograde motion in the sign of Leo and when retrograde Mercury meets the sun it is the halfway point of the retrograde cycle. It’s a good day. Our thoughts are sharp and bright. We feel optimistic and joyful. If there are lingering issues that have been bothering since Mercury went retrograde those issues should begin to turn around and you should start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your thoughts clear and your attitude positive. Or as Walt Whitman said “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.” Questions to ask: How can I reframe my thoughts to be more positive and bright? What issues that I thought wouldn’t go away are now starting to resolve themselves? Thursday August 9th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer void-of-course at 9:18 PM MDT Venus square Saturn What it means: With Venus squaring Saturn today we have a turn around from the Venus-Mars trine of Tuesday. It’s not that we don’t care. It’s not that we don’t feel love or appreciation, it’s just that with Saturn in the mix here Venus has a difficult time expressing herself to those around her. So you might feel a little lonely or misunderstood with an aspect like this being activated. I recommend connecting with spirit through acts such as meditation or getting out in nature. If you do feel like your love life is suffering today go ahead and be patient (Saturn) with yourself. Do something loving (Venus) for yourself. Sometimes our partners don’t always recognize our needs. But if we can feed and nurture our own needs it helps to create healthier relationships in the long run. Questions to ask: How can I make a commitment to love myself more today? Can I connect with my intuition and inner guidance today? What does the foundation of my love life look like and is that foundation stable? Friday August 10th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Leo We have a new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Leo tomorrow which means today we have the dark of the moon. This means that we might be feeling low energy. If that is the case for you honor your body. Leo the Lion is athletic and fast but he also spends time resting as needed. With the moon in Leo allow your inner lion to do what feels right. Saturday August 11th ~ What’s going on today: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Leo Moon void-of-course at 3:58 AM MDT Moon enters Virgo at 9:59 PM MDT Mercury square Jupiter What it means: The solar eclipse today is the third and final eclipse of this summer’s “eclipse season”. It’s a partial eclipse but even so can be powerful from an astrological perspective, especially if it’s hitting something in your chart. There are a few interesting formations in the eclipse chart including a wide yod involving Neptune and Pluto with the sun and moon at the apex. This speaks of spiritual transcendence, if you allow yourself to reach for that. What does that sort of spiritual growth look like for you? Non-attachment combined with a higher perspective that elevates consciousness. Another formation is the Mercury square Jupiter which has Mercury Rx conjunct the sun and moon, and all three square Jupiter. This aspect speaks of being pulled into the mundane or being pulled into something greater. The struggle is real. Do we walk our spiritual talk? Are we able to manifest into reality the actions of the person we truly desire to be? Or do we continue to act from a lower vibration while trying to raise ourselves up higher? The Sabian Symbol for 19 degrees Leo is “A Houseboat Party.” Hey, what Leo doesn’t like a good party? But in actually this represents bringing all the various aspects of ourselves into a harmonious place of balance where we can float along and go with the flow. Do you think you can do this? Or are you at war with yourself? Inner conflict isn’t pretty but when we have a new moon, especially a solar eclipse, it gives us the opportunity to unite (conjunct) our head (sun) and our heart (moon) so that we can come together as one and move forward from a united front. And we can have fun doing it. What does your houseboat party look like? Is it full of misfits doing their own thing or is it an elegant affair with only the best dressed in attendance? I only ask because how you envision this is an important insight into how you see yourself and all the disparate pieces of you. Questions to ask: Do we walk our spiritual talk? Are we able to manifest into reality the actions of the person we truly desire to be? Or do we continue to act from a lower vibration while trying to raise ourselves up higher? Sunday August 12th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Virgo Mars Rx enters Capricorn What it means: Mars is considered exalted in the sign of Capricorn so as he moves in retrograde motion back into that sign we begin to see what it is we need to be doing. Mars hasn’t really known where to put him abundant energy lately. And if he is undirected he can become agitate, angry or anxious. If you have been feeling any of those symptoms Mars moving into Capricorn can help you refocus on your goals. If Mars has something he can actually do then he is happier. He likes to be busy. Give him a job and he can do it. But if he feels like he doesn’t have a purpose or if nothing he does has any meaning then he gets frustrated. Refocus on your larger goals and get to work. The sign of Leo has the sun, moon, Mercury, north node plus the asteroid Pallas in it during the partial solar eclipse this week. Leo … the pressure is on! It’s time to unveil the brand new you, even if you are still a work in progress. Step up. It’s all going to be okay. |
Nikki RichAstrologer, Reiki Master, tarot reader, and so much more! Archives
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