![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday September 1, 2016 - We begin the day with a powerful new moon solar eclipse at 10 degrees of Virgo. This aspect perfects at 5:03 AM and has us starting off with an incredibly powerful day. First let me backtrack to last week when Saturn and Mars conjoined at at 10 Sagittarius, followed by Mars square Neptune in Pisces at 11 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. Now the new moon solar eclipse at 10 Virgo is setting off this Mutable T-Square with the sun, moon, lunar nodes, Saturn and Neptune. Mutable signs are changeable. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The solar eclipse activating a t-square in mutable signs is pressure to change. We can tie this into the current Mercury retrograde cycle since Mercury is the ruler of Virgo where the eclipse is occurring. With that in mind it is time to take a look at where we are and where we have been and make some changes in order to make our lives better. The Sabian Symbol for 10 Virgo is “Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows”. The feeling I get from this symbol is that we are in this together looking into the unknown. The unknown can be very scary but it can also be wonderful and beautiful. Are you willing to look into the unknown? Are you willing to share your experience with another? Are you willing to see things with new eyes? Are you open to having secrets revealed to your consciousness? The day continues with a lot of action. The moon squares Saturn at 6:25 AM again reminding us to do what is within our control. The moon next opposes Neptune at 7:33 AM reminding us that after we do what we can we must let go and trust the universe to see us through the darkness. The moon makes a square to Mars which peaks at 2:39 PM. This is motivation. It can be anger if we feel like we are not able to express ourselves so if you feel the pressure building inside it is best to let it out in a healthy way before you explode. Take a walk, get some work done, get some errands out of the way and then move on from those feelings. The moon next makes a trine to Pluto at 3:59 AM. We feel deeply and intensely but we know that is how things should be. We are okay with having these deeper feelings and it feels safe enough to explore them more thoroughly under an aspect like this. At the end of the day the sun makes a square to Saturn. This activates the t-square from the eclipse yet again and the same themes of setting priorities, focusing on what is actually within your own power, and building a solid foundation based on your long term goals are highlighted. Saturn is about what is real in your life. The challenges. Sometimes it shows up as hardships but it makes the things you earn through hard work much more valuable. Saturn makes you work but it also rewards you for that work. Just make sure you have your priorities in line because if you work toward the wrong thing you will be disappointed. The next activation of the t-square, Sun opposite Neptune, happens early tomorrow morning and again it tells you to let go of the things outside of your control. The recommended stone to work with today is nephrite which is a form of jade which has protective qualities. The essential oil to use today is cedarwood which enhances our sense of personal nobility. We can step up into our lives and be the person we envision. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter
![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Tuesday August 30, 2016 - Today is a quiet day that may just feel like it drags on forever! But at least we have a nice Leo moon to enjoy for the day! Leo moon is a bit extravagant and likes to have a little fun, too. The moon makes a trine to Mars in Sagittarius which peaks at 3:51 AM. Since most of us are sleeping during this time but if we are up we will feel motivated! We may want to clean the house or paint a room or make something creative! The big news of the day is Mercury's station retrograde at 9:04 AM. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because it messes with things like technology and communication. Our computers don't work. Our phones crash. Traffic is snarled. But these things are all symptoms of a larger issue. When Mercury retrograde happens the real issue is that something went wrong in the past and now it is time to go back and fix it. Humans hate going back and fixing things. They hate getting things wrong and so having to fix something is having to admit you were wrong. Often we got things wrong through no fault of our own but because of something outside of our control. New information comes to light and we feel we must act on it. This is one reason why so many of us hear from exes during Mercury Rx because there may be new information about why our past relationship failed and the ex wants to explain it, talk about it, or try again. But the best philosophy to have during Mercury retrograde is that is you can fix it, do fix it (not just talking about relationships here but about anything and everything). But if it can't be fixed let it go. And either way, be patient! Patience is always the best tool to use during Mercury Rx! A great stone to work with today is chrysoprase which helps to increase patience. If you start feeling overwhelmed or frustrated take the crystal and hold it in your hands for a few minutes while taking a few deep breaths. The recommended essential oil for today is patchouli which also aligns us with a sense of calm and patience and allows us to deal with the things we encounter from a spiritual perspective. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Friday August 26, 2016 - Early this morning, at 2:57 AM, Mars makes a square to Neptune. You have probably been feeling this all week. A few days ago Mars conjoined Saturn and now is squaring Neptune creating this tense, mutable square that is, at best, uncomfortable. Mars-Saturn is about getting things done whereas Mars-Neptune is about surrendering to a higher power. So this week is about doing what we can do and then letting go of the rest. We all struggle with this in one way or another. Some of us want to be in control so badly we cannot let go. Others of struggled with feeling empowered enough to act. But the flow of the planets this week want us to balance both sides of that equation. We can feel hopeless or frustrated or crabby under this influence, especially if we are not able to let go of those things which really are out of our control. Some activities to try that can serve as remedies for Mars-Neptune energy are swimming, doing a walking meditation, flowing practices like tai chi or yoga, anything that combines action with spirituality. Neptune loves water too so things involving water can be very healing right now. The lunar aspects start today with the moon making a sextile to Uranus at 1:03 PM. This is mildly exciting energy. We feel like doing something, anything, to shake things up, but it has to fit into our existing schedule. But as an example if you usually eat lunch inside this would be a good day to go outside for a picnic or go for a walk in order to change the energy around you from your normal routine. The moon next makes a square to Venus which perfects at 4:12 PM. I can call this a yearning to connect. The thing about yearning is that we often want someone else to reach out to us … and when you wait for someone else to act instead of just reaching out on your own then you play into a pattern of not taking control of your own life. I only mention this because if you do feel lonely under this influence consider reaching out to someone instead of waiting for something to happen. Next the moon squares Jupiter at 6:09 PM. This aspect builds on the previous one in that we again feel the need to be connected but if we do not get the social connections we are seeking we may turn to food, drink or other things to nurture us. Sometimes even in a social environment we overdo it, especially under this influence, so be careful if you are trying to hold back from indulgence! The moon makes a square aspect to Mercury at 8:30 PM. I tend to think of this as a conflict (square) between our thoughts (Mercury) and our emotions (moon). This is not unusual but not very comfortable, either. After this aspect peaks the moon is void-of-course until it moves into the next sign so it might be a somewhat lazy evening. The moon moves into her home sign of Cancer at 11:06 PM. The moon loves being in her own sign. I think of moon in Cancer as the tendency to “nest”. Like stay home, get comfy, make a great meal and enjoy the comforts of home. The recommended gemstone for today is lapis lazuli which honors the divinity found in ourselves and in the larger world around us all the way to God. The essential oil to use today is sweet orange which will help keep us positive and energized so we can handle the energies of the day with poise and grace. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday August 25, 2016 - The moon is in curious and social Gemini all day today. Lady Luna flies around the sky, much like Gemini does here on earth and touches several planets today. This is not as big of a day in the heavens above as, say, yesterday was, (or even tomorrow, STAY TUNED) but it should be full of shifting feelings. The first aspect today is when the moon in Gemini makes an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius at 12:29 PM. This is a good time to stick with your plans and make yourself a budget if you do not already have one set up. Efficiency is the name of this particular aspect and that is right up Gemini moon's alley. The following aspect is when the Gemini moon comes to an opposition with Mars in Sagittarius at 1:34 PM. This gives us a pep in our step, Mars makes us feel energetic, but at the same time because these planets lay along the axis of Gemini and Sagittarius - we do not necessarily have direction with ourselves. You might just been in a good mood or be happy it is Thursday and one day closer to the weekend! The last aspect is when Gemini moon comes to a square with Neptune in Pisces at 2:06 PM. This aspect has us feeling a bit off centered, like we may be pointlessly going through the motions. Combined with the above aspect we may feel aimlessly energetic. Just try not to push things and know these are lunar aspects and do not last all day long. They last a few hours on each side of the peak time we give, at best. The gemstone suggestion for today is Rutilated Quartz. Rutilated Quartz is a wonderful gemstone that is actually two gemstones in one. First its quartz with rutile that has taken up home growing inside of the Quartz. If you have a piece of it, you can look into it and see the little "hairs" that are actually the rutile. I love this gemstone for Gemini because it gives us some positive energy for ourselves, much like Gemini and brings about the angels too. The little rutile "hairs" inside a piece of rutile quartz are often called "Angel Hairs". The angels bring about some sense of grounding and direction, which is great for the energy of Gemini. The essential oil suggestion for today is Grapefruit. Grapefruit is great also great for the Gemini moon bringing the agility and a bright feeling to the table. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Wednesday August 24, 2016 - Today is Important. Mars and Saturn conjoin in Sagittarius which peaks at 7:27 AM but will be effective all day long. Put these two planets together and it means hard work. It means executing your plans. It means taking action on making things real. Saturn is known as the “task-master” of the zodiac, while Mars is motivation, drive, ambition. This aspect really packs an oomph. If you have been slacking off on your responsibilities (Saturn) this aspect may not be very comfortable for you. But if you have been productively working (Mars) towards your goals (Saturn) then you will feel like you are really setting up a proper foundation. The thing that Saturn really teaches you is that if you are good about your responsibilities, they will be good to you. If you do not act responsibly then you suffer. One part of being good about your responsibilities is prioritizing and choosing that which you will be responsible for. If you make bad choices in what is most important to you then you may feel Saturn's wrath even if you feel you have tried to live up to those responsibilities. As a simple example let's say that you love to travel (Sagittarius). You decide that travel is a priority in your life. But if you neglect your work (Saturn), you will not have the finances you need to travel. So in order to travel work becomes your first priority, so you may then do the thing you love which is travel. So now you have two priorities in your life (1) work and (2) travel. Do you need a job in order to travel? No. But most of us would not be comfortable without the finances to travel in what we deem to be comfort, whether that means a tent, a hotel room, staying with family or anything else. To make our example more complicated where do things like romance, friends, family, health, sports, hobbies all fall on this priority list? The Saturn-Mars conjunction will help you see whether your priorities are in line or if you need to simplify them. Saturn does like to get rid of things that are not truly important. The moon and sweet Venus make a trine aspect which perfects at 8:06 AM. This is soft and loving. We want to feel pretty or handsome, and we want to feel connected to other people in our lives. We may also feel artistic under this aspect so if you feel creative embrace the feeling. The moon next meets Jupiter in a trine at 2:06 PM. This is a social aspect that has us wanting to enjoy the company of others … with the possibility of food or drink thrown in! I lunch meeting would be a great use of this energy. At 3:38 PM the moon trines Mercury. Since Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are bunched up in Virgo these three aspects all happen pretty quickly today and with the last one being to Mercury we feel like our hearts and minds are on the same page and it feels great. After this aspect the moon is void-of-course so we have a few hours where we may feel a bit aimless until the moon goes into the next sign. The mood does ingress into Gemini at 7:40 PM changing the tone. We have had a lot of planets in earth signs and with the moon moving into Gemini we get a little more freedom, things are not as heavy. We become more curious about things, and we may feel more talkative. The last quarter moon perfects at 11:41 PM when the sun and moon make a square aspect. This is the waning “half-full” moon, as my husband calls it. There is so tension in this aspect but it is a regular part of life, nothing unusual. We may be at a crossroads, and the time has come to make a decision. Life is full of decisions. It's just the way it is. The recommended gemstone for today is citrine which helps us focus on our path to success. The essential oil to use today is peppermint which will help us feel more directed and purposeful in our lives. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Monday August 22, 2016 - It's a day of big ideas as Mercury and Jupiter meet in the sky. This aspect peaked at 5:05 AM but will be in effect all day. Mercury and Jupiter together like to think big, they like to dream, but in Virgo these dreams must be practical and efficient. Good luck trying to balance those two things! And don't be afraid to dream! The moon met Uranus at 7:48 AM for a jolting wake up call this morning. We wake with a start but then the moon is void-of-course for most of the day after this aspect peaks. It is not a particularly comfortable way to start the week but get the things done that you can! The sun moves into the sign of Virgo at 12:39 PM today. Welcome Virgo! Virgo is a harvest sign and here in the northern hemisphere we can feel summer start to wind down. Virgo is very busy since there is so much to do to prepare for winter. We must metaphorically harvest our fields and put up our stores for the leaner seasons to come. But while doing this make sure you are still enjoying the fruits of summer! The moon enters Taurus at 5:19 PM, ending the void-of-course phase and giving us a feeling of earthy grounding energy. We may not feel very motivated today with the void-of-course moon then the moon going into Taurus but we should be able to feel centered, especially this evening under the Taurus moon. Maybe it's time to make a list for tomorrow? The moon makes a trine to the sun at 5:39 PM. The waning moon is still relatively large in the sky but here we have harmony and a sense of calm at heart as these two luminaries connect in earth signs. The recommended gemstone today is jade which is known as a stone of love and fidelity. It will help you stay focused through the changing energy of the day. The essential oil to try today is geranium which is a floral energy that helps to calm us and allows us to live in the present instead of the past or the future. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Consult with us: StarleneB http://community.oranum.com/en/psychic/9034 NikkiR http://community.oranum.com/en/psychic/13058 ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Saturday August 20, 2016 - We begin the day with an opposition from the moon in Pisces to Mercury in Virgo which peaks at 6:41 AM. Our thoughts and feelings are at odds with each other. We try to convince ourselves that we don't care about a situation but our emotions won't let us let go of it. This is not an uncommon situation and fortunately this aspect is pretty quick so we won't feel this way all day long. The next aspect is another opposition, this time from the moon to Jupiter peaking at 8:21 AM. Often this aspect has up “overdoing” something, and that something often involves our own comfort. So, for example we have two donuts at work from the office kitchen instead of just one, or we splurge on an fancy coffee to get our morning started. We don't need to do these things but we feel they may help us feel better. If donuts and coffee isn't your thing you may find something else to try to “comfort” you. Just be aware of the tendency and indulge if you think it won't do any harm! After that last aspect peaks the moon is void-of-course for a good chunk of the day. This means it is best to focus on things previously started or otherwise routine tasks. It is not considered a good time to begin new projects. Kind of a lazy day until the moon moves into the next sign. The moon moves into Aries at 3:18 PM kick starting us back into action after the Pisces void-of-course moon up until now. Time to get moving! Time to get going! And don't forget to have fun doing it! The recommended gemstone for the day is amber which simultaneously calms any anxieties we feel while also giving us a brighter, more sunny energy. The essential oil to try today is carnation which aids in enhancing our sense of self-worth. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter ![]() The Astrology of Hilary Clinton – A Brief Glimpse Like with many people, we do not have a confirmed birth time for Mrs. Clinton. Astrologers are sticklers about finding accurate birth times because it really does affect our ability to read a chart. We have her birth date, October 26, 1947, and her place of birth, Chicago, Illinois, but without an accurate birth time we do not know her rising sign or any other of her angles, or any houses. We do not even know what sign her moon is in. So looking at her chart we are faced with a lot of unknowns, right off the bat. Mrs. Clinton has sun in Scorpio, along with Chiron, Venus, Mercury and South Node. This is a lot of Scorpio energy and in some ways it gives her an air of mystery. Scorpio does like to keep secrets, not necessarily because their secrets are bad but rather because they like having privacy. So when pressed too hard about personal issues I suspect Mrs. Clinton will tell someone it is none of their business before trying to explain herself. Scorpio does have the ability to make deep plans, and contingencies, and is usually an excellent manager. One of the strongest signatures in Mrs. Clinton's chart is a near exact conjunction between Mars and Pluto. This is about power. This is about confrontation. Mrs. Clinton is not one to back down. She would be ferocious. This conjunction is in the sign of Leo which adds to the fire of these two planets. She also has Saturn in Leo in a wide conjunction with Mars and Pluto so she would want to temper her power used with some sort of responsibility. In an unhealthy person this energy signature may indicate a fear of power, or a strong need to control, but in someone who has learned wisdom through a lot of life experience it shows an iron will and incredible courage. We can speculate that Mrs. Clinton's moon is most likely in the sign of Pisces but that is only true if she was born before 9:30 PM. Most reports of her birth time say 8 AM or 8 PM so it is likely she was born while the moon was still in Pisces, but we just don't know for sure. If she was born after 9:30 PM her moon is in the sign of Aries instead. If her moon is in Pisces it helps bring compassion and empathy into her characteristics. If it is in Aries it brings in more leadership and warrior characteristics. Having so many planets in fixed signs (sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Pluto plus Chiron, and the lunar node) makes Mrs. Clinton very intractable. Fixed signs are known for their tenacity and focus on a goal. Also for their plain old stubbornness! It is very unusual to have so many planets in fixed signs but it tends to show that a person keeps working and working a their goal. For example Mrs. Clinton running for president more than once in order to achieve her goal of becoming president. I hope you can see by this brief portrait that the birth time is incredibly important. If we knew Mrs. Clinton's rising sign and knew with certainty her moon sign it would make predictions about the outcome of this election easier to make, as well as get a better picture of her persona. If you get an astrology reading it is worth the effort to check your own birth certificate on the time in order to get your moneys worth on the reading! Of course we can tell a lot about Mrs. Clinton without a time, but if we had a time we would be able to establish deeper overall themes and get an even clearer picture of her motivations and characteristics. Coming up next: an election prediction! ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Thursday August 18, 2016 - Today is a big deal. We have the first of a set of three eclipses starting off the latest “eclipse season”. Eclipses usually happen in pairs but this season we have a set of three.
Eclipse season is a time of great change, especially when it “hits” something in your chart, a personal planet or an angle most strongly. Eclipses can manifest change in your life immediately or up to six months in the future, longer if it is a very strong eclipse. More on today's eclipse later ... Onto the first aspect of the day which is a trine from the moon to Uranus at 2:50 AM. This is an energetic aspect but if you are sleeping it may bring unusual dreams. Otherwise it can help to give you energy, both physical and mental energy. At 5:26 AM the full moon lunar eclipse peaks. A full moon is an opposition of the sun (now in Leo) and the moon (now in Aquarius). Often we feel the push-pull with another person during oppositions. Sometimes it shows up as an internal opposition … we may become aware that we want two opposing things in our lives and cannot have them both, There is tension here and heightened awareness. The opposition also will fall in two houses of your natal chart and these are the areas of your life that will be most affected by this full moon. If you do not know your chart we can help you to know where this is occurring and how it may affect you. Generally Leo is about “me” whereas Aquarius is about “us” so the tension you are dealing with may have to do with how I fit into the greater whole, or how the greater whole may limit personal expression. This is course is just one example. There are many ways it can manifest. The Sabian Symbol for 27 Aquarius is “An Ancient Pottery Bowl Filled With Fresh Violets”. This symbol has us thinking about the merging pf the past with the present. The merging of the old with the new. It also has us thinking about how we can add beauty into our life to give it more freshness. After the full moon peaks the moon is void-of-course for a few hours. We can finish up lingering tasks but wait until the moon moves into the next sign to start anything new. The moon does move into the sign of Pisces at 12:34 PM shifting the mood of the day from electric to more mellow. Moon in Pisces wants to go with the flow. It can be a sensitive moon sign, so listen to your inner guidance and pay attention to intuition. A great stone to work with today is Amethyst which helps you deal with life from a place of healing and wisdom. Such calming energy aids in getting through strong energy days like this full moon. The recommended essential oil for today is grapefruit which helps bring refreshing, wholesome energy into your day. Instant mood boost and energy boost! All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Consult with us: StarleneB http://community.oranum.com/en/psychic/9034 NikkiR http://community.oranum.com/en/psychic/13058 ![]() Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report by Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich Sunday August 14, 2016 - First thing today the moon makes her way into Capricorn at 12:11 AM setting the tone for the day. Moon in Capricorn likes to focus on practicalities. It is a good time to look at goals and set plans into motion. Capricorn moon is much more comfortable dealing with things in the real world than in the emotional realm that the moon usually rules. The big aspect of the day is an opposition from Venus in Virgo to Neptune in Pisces. Talk about rose colored glasses shattering into little bits of disillusion … well, maybe it is not quite that bad. But Venus is not comfortable in Virgo, in fact, she can be quite critical, so when she sees how her life is not living up to her ideals (Neptune in Pisces) she may feel a bit disappointed. But honestly the best way to use this is either for pure fantasy … read a good book or better yet paint a picture or work on your own art. Imagination and dreams are an important part of life … use them in your favor. Let them work for you instead of working against you. Sometimes it is true that we want something we cannot have … this is true for everyone at some point in their lives, but look at it as a part of being human instead of a source of disappointment. The next two aspects we have echo the previous one. First the moon makes a sextile to Neptune at 9:14 then follows with a trine to Venus at 10:07 PM. This translation of light from Neptune to Venus via the moon simply helps to extend to earlier Venus-Neptune aspect, but it is like the moon is helping us deal with it better. The moon is our emotional state the and sextile and trine are both positive, supportive aspects that help us come to terms with the realizations we have had relating to the Venus-Neptune opposition. Maybe we can't have things both ways but we can figure out a good middle ground. An essential oil to try to help encourage and support your dreams is helichrysum. The recommended gemstone for today is angelite which helps with balancing and will assist in offsetting any uncomfortable feelings we might have based on the strong opposition today. All times are in Eastern US Time. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter |
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