![]() A Brief Look at Donald Trump – A Brief Astrological Biography The Republican Convention kicked off yesterday on July 18, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. It is widely expected that Donald Trump will be officially nominated as the Republican candidate for president without it nomination being contested by the delegate vote. This is not political statement but rather an astrological investigation. We are lucky that we have a confirmed birth time for Donald Trump. We know he has sun in Gemini opposite his moon in Sagittarius, with Leo rising. Sun in Gemini gives Donald Trump a curious nature, like he wants to know about a lot of different things. Some other keywords for Gemini are expressive, versatile and intelligent. He can talk the talk and he can sound convincing, too! The difficult side of Gemini is that while they are versatile they tend to move from one thing to the next so they don't always stick with what they start, or they may change course midstream. In some ways, as a business man, this would serve Mr. Trump as he would know when to cut his losses and move onto the next thing. Mr. Trump was born on a full moon. He was born during the day, so the moon was not in the sky, but the full moon was getting ready to peak. Think about the sun being your sense of self, and the moon being your emotional life. Mr. Trump's sun, his sense of self, is visible to everyone, as he was born during the day when the sun was relatively high in the sky (9:51 AM, June 14, 1946, Queens, NY). His sun is actually extra important as it is also his chart ruler since he has Leo rising, but more on that in a bit. What I am trying to say is that Mr. Trump likes to be noticed but he doesn't want people to know how he feels on the inside. He has lots of feelings, but he lets them fuel his ego (sun). The combination of Gemini sun and Sagittarius moon is quite larger than life, and Mr. Trump certainly fits that description! Another thing I can say about this set up is that there is a tendency to get fired up about something and then move onto the next thing in a way that I do not think most people can do. When most people get worked up about something they get stuck on the issue but not Mr. Trump, he would be able to move onto something else! Mr. Trump also has sun conjunct Uranus which makes him something of a rebel. I am sure his campaign manager has a heart attack hourly as Trump goes off the talking points but a sun-Uranus person would be impossible to control. They may go along with you but only as long as it suits them and then they are going to forge ahead on their own path. The rising sign, also called the ascendant, for Mr. Trump is Leo. Think about the Lion and how they are known for their mane … now think about how Trump is known for his hair … it is very mush a Leo rising thing to have signature hair! Another way this shows up is in Mr. Trump's confidence. He comes off as self-assured and proud of what he has accomplished. The rising sign is how you present yourself to the world and Leo certainly fits Mr. Trump. As many of you probably know the slogan for Mr. Trump's campaign is “Make America Great Again” and his neither his sun, moon nor ascendant do not have a nostalgic bent but there is a signature in his chart that yearns for better times. It is Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer in his 12th house. The problem with 12th house things is they tend to be out of reach … or at least seen through rose colored glasses, so the idea of making America great again is one that is based on a dream. Like, we can't get rid of the internet, and we can't get rid of the terrorism, and so in some ways there is no going back. But the Venus-Saturn in Cancer certainly gives a nostalgic quality about better days and happier times so it fits quite well. There is a lot more we could say about Mr. Trump's chart but I think that is a good summary for now. I will take a look at Mrs. Clinton as well, keep your eyes out for the next article! Namaste, Nikki Rich
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