Astro Vibrational Tapestry Report
by Nikki Rich and Starlene Breiter Tuesday July 21, 2015 In the early morning we are given a sweet energy between the moon in Virgo sextile the sun in Cancer. This energy peaks at 6:01AM EST. This energy has a harmony between the masculine and feminine part to our selves, think of the yin-yang and how each side is balanced in perfection of the other. This may be a nice time for you to hold on to some Sodalite or sleep with it under your pillow. You may also notice harmony between male and females or those of the opposite sex. Next we are given a sextile between the moon in Virgo sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. This energy begins to effect us a little after midnight EST on Tuesday evening. Wit this transit we are given an opportunity that makes it fairly easy for us to help others. It would be great to work with Moonstone and Tigers eye at this time. These stone will help us to put some action behind the structure we feel within our own worlds. You may be gifted with some insight into how you can do this restructuring yourself; so give it some thought. Don't forget to take some notes if necessary! The moon then shifts into her Void of Course phase from 6:07AM until she moves into the sign of Libra at 9:23AM EST. The Void of Course Moon is always a great time to do some spiritual work on yourself. If you practice yoga, or spiritual dance or even meditation. This is a great time to do that, and a good day for naps too! Holding onto Clear Quartz under the Void of Course moon is perfect for one wanting to just have clarity. Just remember, as you seek the clarity to be in a space of peace and calmness. Lady moon moves into the zodiac sign of Libra at 9:23AM EST today. This placement of the moon is where we want to connect with our partnerships and really enjoy them. We may feel like connecting with loved ones and having some fun too. So enjoy the lighter energies of the Libra moon over the next couple of days. Holding onto some Pink Opal would be a great way to explore the energies of the Libra moon. The last energy we are given is between the sun in Cancer trine to Saturn in Scorpio, this energy peaks at 7:07AM. This energy gives us the strength and ability to become our own personal teacher. This Sun, Saturn combination is harmonious and will help us to take some personal power and then put some stability and force behind them. Namaste & until tomorrow! Your Rock Star Astrologers ~ Starlene Breiter and Nikki Rich
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