With Mercury station Direct and the final pass of the Jupiter-Neptune trine we are getting ready to move forward from a place of optimism and faith once more in our lives. If you think you have lost that part of yourself this week can remind you of how to reignite that inner fire.
Monday August 13th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Virgo void-of-course at 10:37 PM MDT Moon enters Libra at 10:57 PM MDT When the moon is in Virgo it is a good time to get the little things done. You know, those things that only take a few moments but we tend to put off for no good reason? Virgo is great at productivity. So whether it’s a lot of little projects or a larger project with lots of little details Virgo moon can help you out. Tuesday August 14th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra This week there aren’t a lot of planetary aspects so we can always talk about the moon. The moon rules our moods and is ever changing, just like our moods. Today has the moon in Libra which is an air sign whose symbol is the scales. Libra loves balance and harmony. We can find balance internally or we can create it externally through deliberate design choices. We can design our environment, our garden, our relationships, anything we want. The thing is that when something comes along to knock us off balance how can we flow back into a state of balance naturally? Look around you today to see how you can improve the balance in your own life. Wednesday August 15th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra Another day with the moon in Libra. In many ways right now we are trying to balance between what we want for ourselves (sun and Mercury in Leo) with what society wants for us (Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). This tension between our personal needs and what we are allowed or expected to do for the larger community is sometimes at odds but the Libra moon can aid us in coming to a sense of peace about it all. Thursday August 16th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Libra void-of-course at 1:56 AM MDT Moon enters Scorpio at 2:54 AM MDT It’s a change in tone from yesterday with the moon now in Scorpio. The Scorpio moon tends to be much more focused and driven than the moon in Libra so if you have been slacking off on your work then today is a great day to re-dedicate yourself to making things happen. Friday August 17th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio It’s been a full week of only lunar aspects which is helping us recuperate from the eclipse season we have had over the past month or so. We might feel like things are going very slowly as Mercury retrograde is slowing down once again as he prepares to station direct this weekend. Use today’s Scorpio moon energy to focus on what’s most important. Scorpio loves priorities. Saturday August 18th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Scorpio void-of-course at 9:07 AM MDT Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:45 AM MDT Mercury trine Venus Mercury Station Direct What it means: It’s a good day, even if it feels like things are moving slower than molasses in January. Mercury stations direct which means Mercury retrograde is now over! And while he is stationing he makes a nice trine aspect to Venus in her home sign of Libra, adding a bit of ease and please to the day. If you have planets or placements in Leo you will be especially happy as Leo has been getting a mixed message from Mercury saying slow down and the eclipses of the past few weeks telling Leo to make changes now! Questions to ask: What’s REALLY on your mind? How can you make a plan to address those lingering thoughts? Sunday August 19th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Sagittarius Jupiter trine Neptune What it means: We have been experiencing this Jupiter-Neptune trine since late last year. This is the third and final pass and ideally we will all have worked out a better spiritual system in the meantime. Jupiter is expansive and associated with hope, faith and optimism. Neptune connects us with a higher plane. These two planets together have made this year wonderful for personal spiritual growth or learning to harness your intuition in a more reliable and profound manner. There is something nebulous about these two planets together so we might not be able to see the a huge difference but if we have been working on expanding our ideal spiritual connection then we should certainly be able to feel the difference between now and back in 2017. Questions to ask: What does faith look like to you? Are you listening to your inner guidance? Can you expand your daily awareness to include awareness of a higher power? The big news this week is Mercury station direct. Mercury retrograde is over! Hooray! On a more profound level we are being asked to get in touch with our spiritual side and simply have faith. I gotta have faith.
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