The highlight this week is certainly Mars station direct. But don’t forget we have the direct Saturn station coming up next week so we are starting to feel that, too. With Mars station we are like an arrow pulled back in a bow, tensed and ready to fire. With Saturn station we are more like Atlas with the weight of the world on our shoulders. Either way you feel, even if you can relate to both, is relevant right now. Depending on how these energies are playing in your personal chart you are probably on one side or the other of that equation. Or, if you are lucky like me, both of those planets are affecting you strongly and you are poised for big change over the next few months.
Monday August 27th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces Mars Station Direct Mercury square Jupiter What it means: With Mars stationing direct in Capricorn we get a sense that we really need to focus on our priorities if we want to accomplish anything. Capricorn is the sign of the builder and Mars enjoys to work so these energies are quite complimentary. In fact, Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn which means he is very happy here. But the work we do should have a larger purpose. The work should be intended toward a larger goal. And Capricorn doesn’t appreciate distractions so remain focused. If there is something you have been working on for the past few months now is the time to double down and get it done. It takes perseverance and focus to accomplish meaningful tasks but that is the lesson and gift of Mars in Capricorn. With Mercury square Jupiter we have the push pull between taking care of the little things versus considering the larger picture. The truth is we need to balance these two influences in our life but most of us tend to be on one end or the other of the balancing act. If you are a detail person you may have the trouble that you can’t see the forest for the trees somethings. But if you are a big picture person there can be times when you can’t manifest the big picture because you aren’t taking care of the small steps along the way. With this energy work on trying to take both ends of the spectrum into consideration, especially if you are frustrated with the way things are going. Look from the other perspective and try to see how you can bring the details into balance with the larger goal. Questions to ask: Where is my focus and what steps can I take today to accomplish my goals? Do I even have a larger goal? Can I step back and gain a larger perspective? What details need to be taken care of so I can accomplish my larger goal? Tuesday August 28th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Pisces void-of-course at 7:54 AM MDT Moon enters Aries at 8:35 AM MDT With the moon moving into Aries is a brand new day. We had the full moon in Pisces a few days ago which represents the completion of a cycle and once things end we start new again. Wednesday August 29th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries It’s another day with the moon in Aries. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars who is starting to pick up speed after his direct station on Monday. Anyone with strong Mars signatures in their charts are going to start feeling a bit happier with the moon in a Mars sign and Mars moving forward again. Thursday August 30th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Aries void-of-course at 5:04 PM MDT Moon enters Taurus at 7:30 PM MDT We have the Saturn station direct coming up next week but we are already feeling it. Things are starting to get heavy. When the moon moves into Taurus later in the day it will makes an aspect to Saturn giving us the opportunity to ease our burden. What can you do today to make your life easier and your load a little lighter? Friday August 31st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Taurus Taurus moon is about comfort and feeling connected to nature. Where is your comfort zone and how can you merge that with the natural world today? That might mean a hike or some time spent working in your garden or simply sitting outside at a park where you enjoy the setting. Saturday September 1st ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Taurus void-of-course at 11:56 PM MDT One thing about Taurus is that quality over quantity is certainly appreciated. It’s better to have one thing that is really nice than five of the same that are just mediocre. With this in mind how can you improve the quality of your surroundings and get rid of any extra quantity that you don’t need. Sunday September 2nd ~ What’s going on today: Moon enters Gemini at 2:02 AM MDT With the moon entering Gemini today things seem to speed up. Taurus the Bull likes to do things one at a time while Gemini ruled by Mercury is mercurial! Gemini prefers to multi-task and to keep a livelier pace, too. What’s your week look like? What are you aiming at?
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