We are in the final phase of eclipse season this week with a glorious new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius on Thursday. Things are still feeling a little wacky and are likely to continue to get wackier as the week continues. Two weeks ago we started off eclipse season with e lunar eclipse in Leo that talked about love … for ourselves and in our relationships. Now with this solar eclipse in Aquarius we are pulled toward a greater love for all of humanity and all of the world … if we allow ourselves to hear and answer that call.
Monday February 12th ~ What’s going on today: not a lot The Capricorn moon helps us to stay grounded but be careful it doesn’t allow you to get a little down, too. Negative thinking can be held at bay by focusing on productivity and working towards a long term goal. Tuesday February 13th ~ What’s going on today: Sun sextile Uranus What it means: Last week Tuesday Venus made this same aspect to Uranus … can you remember what happened that day? I ask because today will be similar. When the Sun and Uranus get together we dance to the beat of our own drummer. We like to shake things up and do things differently. If we are stuck in the same old routine we need humor and variation to keep us engaged. Questions to ask yourself: What can I do to be more unique today? How can I try something different? Is there I way I can shake things up in my daily life to add more humor and fun? Wednesday February 14th ~ What’s going on today: not a lot Happy Valentine’s Day! The moon is in Aquarius and on her way to the new moon solar eclipse which occurs tomorrow. We may feel a little low energy with the dark of the moon upon us but I recommend using this day to think about your life vision and your dreams. It’s a great day to create a vision board or discuss your most sacred dreams with a trusted friend or partner. Celebrate the love in your life by allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to share your secret dreams with those you care for the most. Thursday February 15th ~ What’s going on today: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, Mercury sextile Uranus, Venus sextile Saturn What it means: Happy Birthday to me. This year I get a dramatic new moon solar eclipse as my gift! Solar eclipses are more powerful than lunar eclipses. This one is only a partial eclipse but even a partial solar eclipse can pack a wallop. You won’t be able to view this eclipse (unless you are in Antarctica or very nearby) but you should be able to feel it, especially if it is hitting planets or points in your own natal chart. Eclipses ask us to let go, to allow something to be “eclipsed” out of our life. Sometimes it is obvious what we need to release and other times it can be harder to identify. If you are having trouble seeing clearly that which you must release try starting with the ego. Aquarius is one of the transpersonal signs which means “rising above the self”. Often when we are stuck in our day to day wants and needs we cannot see the big picture. Letting go of the “ego” is the best way to do this. It isn’t always easy, especially since our ego is usually invested in the way things are and very reluctant to change. But taking a look at the big picture and letting go of your emotional investment to see what is best for all involved is a great way to do it under the new moon in Aquarius. As if that isn’t enough we have a couple of other aspects perfecting today. First is Mercury sextile Uranus which is creative thinking and unusual communication. Have a GIF conversation today … it will feel right! Second we have Venus trine Saturn. This is a commitment aspect, and being in it for the long term, especially in regards to love and money. This is great for yesterday’s Valentine’s Day celebration. It also helps to give some inner stability since the eclipse has us feeling somewhat volatile. Commit to loving yourself and honoring your relationships … through all the changes to come. Questions to ask yourself: How can I rise above what is currently going on in my life? What do I need to let go of? How can I be a part of the greater good? How can I say what is on my mind in a manner that is both unique and impactful? How can I stay committed to who I truly am? How can I honor my individuality while simultaneously changing who I am? Friday February 16th ~ What’s going on today: Chinese New Year Year of the Dog Chinese New Year isn’t a western astrological holiday although it always starts after the new moon in Aquarius so it does have some astrological roots. I won’t pretend to know anything about Chinese astrology but I do enjoy giving a nod to these holidays! The new year continues! The moon has left Aquarius after yesterday’s eclipse and is now in Pisces. We might feel a little dreamy. One of the many gifts of the Pisces moon is the ability to use your imagination to create magic so do a little bit of that today! Envision what you want life to be like as we leave eclipse season behind us for now. Saturday February 17th ~ What’s going on today: Mars square Neptune, Sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury ingress Pisces What it means: Mars square Neptune is traditionally a time when we feel our efforts aren’t getting us anywhere. We may be working very hard and yet feel like no progress is being made. We are just treading water. If you feel that way today remind yourself that the journey is more important than the destination and meditate upon this idea with your project in mind. The truth is sometimes when we take the indirect route we stumble across something immensely valuable that we otherwise would not have experienced if it were not for the detour we took. The superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is when both are direct and is continued an important part of the Sun/Mercury cycle. Some time after this conjunction Mercury will appear to station retrograde and as it appears to move backward in the sky we experience the inferior conjunction when the Sun and Mercury meet again. Mercury continues in retrograde motion until he once again stations direct and moves once again toward the next superior conjunction. This cycle happens about three times a year and so the superior conjunction is relatively common. It is also a great time to clarify your thoughts on whatever matter you might be considering in your life right now. One way to do this is to look at the house this conjunction will be taking place in your own natal chart and clarify your thoughts on the matter. For example this will occur in my 6th house of health and so it is a great time for me to have insight on my health routines and to gain clarity on all related issues. Mercury enters Pisces today to be followed by the sun tomorrow. Mercury in Pisces is said to be dreamy and have a great imagination. With this in mind it is a great time to focus on visualization of achieving your goals through a vision board or more simple a daydream. Some people discount the power of daydreams but they hold more power than more people give credit. A good daydream is manifestation at it’s finest! Questions to ask yourself: Is there a more indirect route to get where you are going? Can you enjoy the journey, too, instead of just pushing to get to the end? What needs more clarity in your life? How can you streamline your thoughts on a matter? What wonderful goals can I imagine myself achieving? Sunday February 18th ~ What’s going on today: Sun ingress Pisces What it means: When I was younger I always felt uncomfortable when the sun was in Pisces. I think it is because the connection between us and the rest of the world including the heavens and the angels thins. Walls waver. For someone who is empathic having less boundaries can be difficult. The words “psychic sponge” come to mind. Now that I am older with better personal boundaries I really enjoy the month when the sun visits Pisces. There is a magical, dreamy quality where you believe that we all really are connected. If you have trouble with boundaries use this month as a time to practice being flexible yet strong. That is the real secret with Pisces … how does a river or a ocean become a boundary? It is a natural boundary and it simply flows. Questions to ask yourself: How do I create more magic in my life? Where are my boundaries? Can I adjust and shift my boundaries in different situations? What does this week look like for you? Can you create some magic? We have all the ingredients we need!
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