The big news this week is Saturn station direct. Things are heavy. Important. There is pressure. Stress. But if we do the hard work we can trust that things will work out in the end. The end of the week has a lovely New Moon in Virgo to help us take care of the practical details to get us where we want to be in the life.
Monday September 3rd ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini Mercury sextile Venus What it means: Whenever we have a soft aspect involving Mercury and Venus I always think of the classics. Austen, Van Gogh, Mozart and other similar artists with a softer and lighter side evident in their work, often with a sense of humor, too. Harmonious words. Clever patterns. An interesting journey within something that might seem at first glance to be rather simple and straightforward. I bring this up because with this aspect active today you can invoke it by adding some beauty into your life, too, whether through writing, art, music or whatever you enjoy. This might be as simple as stopping to smell the roses or taking a few moments to appreciate a street performer. It’s allowing yourself to enjoy the art we encounter on a daily basis. Questions to ask: How can I make my day today more beautiful, more harmonious, more artistic? How can I make the thoughts I think and the words I say more loving? Tuesday September 4th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Gemini void-of-course at 12:37 AM MDT Moon enters Cancer at 6:04 AM MDT The moon in Cancer wants to protect emotions and there are many ways to do that. Some might want isolation. Some might want only their closest friends and family around them. Others might do daily practices to shield their emotions from the interference of others such as surrounding themselves with white light or asking for protection from the angels. Whatever method you prefer know that it’s okay to protect your emotions when you are feeling vulnerable. You can take emotional risks another day. Wednesday September 5th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer Mercury enters Virgo What it means: Mercury moves into his home sign of Virgo today, leaving behind his history of retrograde in Leo, finally. For those of us strongly affected by the retrograde cycle it’s a relief to have a strong Mercury who is happy again in his own domain. Mercury in Virgo is a wonderful editor. Remember that the job of a good editor is not just to make sure that the words used are appropriate but also to remove any superfluous words. Saying too much is just as bad as using the wrong phrasing. With this in mind you can use these next few weeks to edit your own thoughts and words. Do you think too much? Do you say too much? This transit is wonderful for getting down to a precise phrasing that works for you. If you have issues with negative self-talk this transit can help. I know Virgo is known as being critical but you can use that to your advantage and reframe your constant messages to yourself in a manner that is more effective. Mercury remains in Virgo until September 23rd so get to work! Questions to ask yourself: Do I think too much? Can I edit my thoughts in a way that allows only the important, supportive and relevant messages come through? Do I over share? If so how can I edit my words so I share enough but not too much? Thursday September 6th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Cancer void-of-course at 6:43 AM MDT Moon enters Leo at 7:54 AM MDT Saturn Station Direct What it means: Cue the heavy music indicative that the hero is about to face a difficult challenge. Whatever is going on it your life right now you feel like the burden is almost too much to carry. That’s okay though. What we are all learning is how to streamline and simplify an area of our lives in order to make a stable foundation on which to grow from in the future. For example, if Saturn is aspecting your Venus then you might be trying to let go of relationship patterns that are overly complicated in order to create something that is more stable and lasting. Depending on where Saturn is hitting your natal chart you will feel it in that area of your life. For me transit Saturn is conjunct my natal Mars in my fourth house of home and I have the gargantuan task of organizing a cross country move in one month. Not just packing and unpacking but also finding a mover, a new place to live, sorting through all our belongings to pack, toss, donate or sell. The list seems endless. I have so much activity (Mars) that I am responsible for (Saturn) in regards to my home (fourth house) that I am forced to simplify the process just to keep my sanity. You are probably dealing with something completely different in your own life but whatever it is the stakes are just as high and the responsibilities just as real. As we set ourselves up to succeed (or fail, if we are in that mindset) Saturn pays attention and gives us our due. Of all the planets Saturn is the one that rewards you for working hard or punishes you for slacking off. What are you doing in your life right now? The rewards of Saturn are worth the hard work, and the punishments worth avoiding. So even if things seem like just too much you can do it. Things will start to lighten up in a week or two when Saturn is actually moving direct again, although it takes him over a month to move a full degree which means he is still very slow for quite some time. I only mention it because if you feel stuck for a while I want you to know that no matter what, this too shall pass! Questions to ask: How can I simplify my responsibilities? How can I prioritize and then let go of things which aren’t really that important in the grand scheme of things? What an I do to meet my obligations in a manner that allows for a firm foundation for the future to be built? Friday September 7th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Leo Mercury Trine Uranus Mercury Trine Saturn Sun Opposite Neptune What it means: Saturn might still be sitting still after yesterday’s direct station but Mercury is helping things along. I love Mercury. He’s a troublemaker but he’s also a planet that keeps things going. Mercury in Virgo creates a Grand Earth Trine by connecting Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. This allows us to get shit done! We can take care of practical matters, even if it takes hard work. Especially if it’s something that is making a change (Uranus) in order to create a firmer foundation (Saturn). All of this earth energy is helping us implement things in the real world after this past summer’s eclipse season. If you need to change your thinking in order to make the practical changes this is a great energy to support that as well. A word of caution today with the sun opposite Neptune. The planets are asking us to be practical and here we are confronted by delusion. This might be because things aren’t exactly how we want them to be. Or things are exactly what we thought they were. Engaging with your dreams is important but you don’t want to do it to the point you are fooling yourself. On the bright side this energy is excellent for spiritual connection and psychic work. Questions to ask: What changes in my life can I implement right now? What practical things can I do to make a real impact in my life? How can I change my thinking to be more supportive of my goals? How can I call on my dreams without deluding myself? How can I integrate both fantasy and reality into my life in a healthy manner? How can I have a more spiritual approach to the day? Saturday September 8th ~ What’s going on today: Moon in Leo void-of-course at 7:31 AM MDT Moon enters Virgo at 8:29 AM MDT Venus Square Mars What it means: In some ways Venus square Mars can represent the battle of the sexes. In other ways it’s sensuality. And it’s also tactile and active appreciation of simply being alive. Life is good. And life is dirty, gritty, frustrating, beautiful, scintillating and everything in between. If you are at odds with the opposite sex today I am not surprised. But I am also not surprised if you are turned on, feeling vibrant, flirting or just adding a little pizazz and sway to your step. Engage your senses, whether that is through food, art, gardening or with a partner. This is a nice spark. Let yourself sizzle today! Questions to ask yourself: What can I do today that engages all of my senses? How can I balance my masculine and feminine sides? Sunday September 9th ~ What’s going on today: New Moon in Virgo Venus enters Scorpio What it means: New moons are always times of infusing energy into an area of life. Those of us who work with astrology can use new moons to deliberately harness this energy and to make the most of it. By looking at where the new moon falls is your chart it gives you an idea about what area of life to focus on. Personally this new moon at 17 Virgo falls right on my Ascendent and so signifies a brand new cycle in my life and the opportunity to re-create myself. I’ll take it! This new moon makes some really nice aspects to both Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. The change (Pluto) we implement in our life right now can be positive with a lot of room to grow into something even better (Jupiter). The new moon is also in opposition to Neptune so the things we do now should be serving a higher purpose than just our own self. Allow yourself to be an instrument of higher good and this will serve you very well as you make these much needed changes. The Sabian Symbol for the new moon falls right on the edge of two different symbols. First is “A volcanic eruption”. And the second one is “A Ouija Board”. Depending on what’s going on in your own life either or both can be relevant. As we discuss the first symbol a volcanic eruption is self-evident. It’s change. Violent, drastic upheaval. In my own life we are moving from Montana to Texas which is indeed quite an upheaval! Everything in our lives is changing except for the most basic foundational things. You may be going through something similar, if not a cross country move then an enormous change that makes your life look different from many angles. The second symbol, a ouija board, is about receiving messages from the other side. Are you taking action that is being guided by spirit? Are you letting those messages come through or does the idea of messages from the other side scare you? The other occurrence today is lovely Venus entering the sign of Scorpio. Venus likes things to be easy going and light-hearted but the sign of Scorpio is brooding and intense. That’s obviously a strong stereotype but it’s enough to say that Venus isn’t very comfortable in Scorpio. One good way to use this transiot it to think about the dark arts, and how there is beauty in the darker side of life, even if we don’t always like looking at it or acknowledging it. Another good use of this energy is to delve into mystical areas like tarot cards or whatever else might be calling you. Venus will have her retrograde cycle in Scorpio so this is an unusually long stay for her. She remains in Scorpio until January 8, 2019 with a stop in Libra basically covering the month of November. Questions to ask yourself: Where in my life can I infuse positive energy in order to make the changes I know I need to make? How can I do this from a spiritual perspective? How do I love to learn the darkness? How to I appreciate my shadow side? What’s your week look like? What are you aiming at? Photo by Guilherme Cunha on Unsplash
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